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SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoving Event

Occurs when columns are about to be deleted from a worksheet.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraSpreadsheet

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraSpreadsheet.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Spreadsheet


public event ColumnsChangingEventHandler ColumnsRemoving

Event Data

The ColumnsRemoving event's data class is ColumnsChangingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled. Inherited from CancelEventArgs.
Count Gets the number of rows/columns that will be inserted or removed. Inherited from RowsColumnsChangingEventArgsBase.
StartIndex Gets the index of the first row/column after which rows/columns will be inserted or removed. Inherited from RowsColumnsChangingEventArgsBase.


The ColumnsRemoving event allows you to perform any actions before an end-user removes columns from a worksheet using the control’s UI. To prevent columns from being deleted, set the event parameter’s Cancel property to true.

After columns have been removed from a worksheet, the SpreadsheetControl.ColumnsRemoved event is raised.


By default, the ColumnsRemoving event does not occur when removing columns in code. However, this event will also be triggered by changes made via an API if you set the WorkbookEventOptions.RaiseOnModificationsViaAPI property (accessible via the SpreadsheetControl.Options.Events.RaiseOnModificationsViaAPI notation) to true.

See Also