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ItemsEditBase.DisplayMember Property

Gets or sets the name of a data source field whose values are displayed as drop-down list items. This is a bindable property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Editors.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Editors


public string DisplayMember { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The data source field name.


The code below uses the DisplayMember property to specify the data source field that contains the data that should be displayed in the drop-down list.

<dxe:AutoCompleteEdit DisplayMember="Name">
        <dxe:AsyncItemsSourceProvider RequestDelay="500" SuggestionsRequested="OnDelegateRequested" />
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls;

namespace AutoCompleteEditExample {
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage {
        public MainPage() {
            States = new List<State>();
            States.Add(new State() { Name = "California", Abbr = "CA", Capital = "Sacramento" });
            States.Add(new State() { Name = "Colorado", Abbr = "CO", Capital = "Denver" });
            States.Add(new State() { Name = "Connecticut", Abbr = "CT", Capital = "Hartford" });
        public List<State> States { get; }
        void OnDelegateRequested(object sender, SuggestionsRequestEventArgs e) {
            e.Request = () => {
                return States.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith(e.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();
        public class State {
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public string Abbr { get; set; }
            public string Capital { get; set; }
See Also