DetailFormPage Fields
A form that is used to show detail information about a data control item.Name | Description |
ActionSheetSignalName static | The identifier used by the internal messaging system to display an action sheet. Inherited from Page. |
AlertSignalName static | The identifier used by the internal messaging system to display an alert dialog. Inherited from Page. |
AnchorXProperty static | Bindable property for AnchorX. Inherited from VisualElement. |
AnchorYProperty static | Bindable property for AnchorY. Inherited from VisualElement. |
AutomationIdProperty static | Bindable property for AutomationId. Inherited from Element. |
BackgroundColorProperty static | Bindable property for BackgroundColor. Inherited from VisualElement. |
BackgroundImageSourceProperty static | Bindable property for BackgroundImageSource. Inherited from Page. |
BackgroundProperty static | Bindable property for Background. Inherited from VisualElement. |
BehaviorsProperty static | Bindable property for Behaviors. Inherited from VisualElement. |
BindingContextProperty static | Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject. |
BusySetSignalName static | The identifier used by the internal messaging system to set IsBusy. Inherited from Page. |
ClassIdProperty static | Bindable property for ClassId. Inherited from Element. |
ClipProperty static | Bindable property for Clip. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ContentProperty static | Bindable property for Content. Inherited from ContentPage. |
ControlTemplateProperty static | Bindable property for ControlTemplate. Inherited from TemplatedPage. |
FlowDirectionProperty static | Bindable property for FlowDirection. Inherited from VisualElement. |
HeightProperty static | Bindable property for Height. Inherited from VisualElement. |
HeightRequestProperty static | Bindable property for HeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IconImageSourceProperty static | Bindable property for IconImageSource. Inherited from Page. |
InputTransparentProperty static | Bindable property for InputTransparent. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsBusyProperty static | Bindable property for IsBusy. Inherited from Page. |
IsEnabledProperty static | Bindable property for IsEnabled. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsFocusedProperty static | Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsFocusedPropertyKey static | Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement. |
IsVisibleProperty static | Bindable property for IsVisible. Inherited from VisualElement. |
MinimumHeightRequestProperty static | Bindable property for MinimumHeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement. |
MinimumWidthRequestProperty static | Bindable property for MinimumWidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement. |
NavigationProperty static | Bindable property for Navigation. Inherited from VisualElement. |
OpacityProperty static | Bindable property for Opacity. Inherited from VisualElement. |
PaddingProperty static | Bindable property for Padding. Inherited from Page. |
PromptSignalName static | The identifier used by the internal messaging system to display a prompt dialog. Inherited from Page. |
RotationProperty static | Bindable property for Rotation. Inherited from VisualElement. |
RotationXProperty static | Bindable property for RotationX. Inherited from VisualElement. |
RotationYProperty static | Bindable property for RotationY. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ScaleProperty static | Bindable property for Scale. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ScaleXProperty static | Bindable property for ScaleX. Inherited from VisualElement. |
ScaleYProperty static | Bindable property for ScaleY. Inherited from VisualElement. |
StyleProperty static | Bindable property for Style. Inherited from VisualElement. |
TitleProperty static | Bindable property for Title. Inherited from Page. |
TranslationXProperty static | Bindable property for TranslationX. Inherited from VisualElement. |
TranslationYProperty static | Bindable property for TranslationY. Inherited from VisualElement. |
TriggersProperty static | Bindable property for Triggers. Inherited from VisualElement. |
VisualProperty static | Bindable property for Visual. Inherited from VisualElement. |
WidthProperty static | Bindable property for Width. Inherited from VisualElement. |
WidthRequestProperty static | Bindable property for WidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement. |
XProperty static | Bindable property for X. Inherited from VisualElement. |
YProperty static | Bindable property for Y. Inherited from VisualElement. |
See Also