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DateEdit Members

An editor that displays a date in a specific format. Users can select a date within a cross-platform customizable or platform-specific native date picker.


Name Description
DateEdit() Initializes a new instance of the DateEdit class.


Name Description
AllowAnimationProperty static Identifies the AllowAnimation bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
AnchorXProperty static Bindable property for AnchorX. Inherited from VisualElement.
AnchorYProperty static Bindable property for AnchorY. Inherited from VisualElement.
AutofillContentTypeProperty static Identifies the AutofillContentType bindable property.
AutomationIdProperty static Bindable property for AutomationId. Inherited from Element.
BackgroundColorProperty static Bindable property for BackgroundColor. Inherited from VisualElement.
BackgroundProperty static Bindable property for Background. Inherited from VisualElement.
BehaviorsProperty static Bindable property for Behaviors. Inherited from VisualElement.
BindingContextProperty static Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject.
BorderColorProperty static Identifies the BorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the BorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontAttributes bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontFamily bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontSizeProperty static Identifies the BottomTextFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextTopIndentProperty static Identifies the BottomTextTopIndent bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxHeightProperty static Identifies the BoxHeight bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMarginProperty static Identifies the BoxMargin bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinHeightProperty static Identifies the BoxMinHeight bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinWidthProperty static Identifies the BoxMinWidth bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxModeProperty static Identifies the BoxMode bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxPaddingProperty static Identifies the BoxPadding bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CharacterCasingProperty static Identifies the CharacterCasing bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClassIdProperty static Bindable property for ClassId. Inherited from Element.
ClearIconColorProperty static Identifies the ClearIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the ClearIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommandProperty static Identifies the ClearIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconProperty static Identifies the ClearIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconVisibilityProperty static Identifies the ClearIconVisibility bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClipProperty static Bindable property for Clip. Inherited from VisualElement.
CornerModeProperty static Identifies the CornerMode bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CornerRadiusProperty static Identifies the CornerRadius bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CursorColorProperty static Identifies the CursorColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DateChangedCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the DateChangedCommandParameter bindable property.
DateChangedCommandProperty static Identifies the DateChangedCommand bindable property.
DateIconColorProperty static Identifies the DateIconColor bindable property.
DateIconCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the DateIconCommandParameter bindable property.
DateIconCommandProperty static Identifies the DateIconCommand bindable property.
DateIconProperty static Identifies the DateIcon bindable property.
DateProperty static Identifies the Date bindable property.
DisabledBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledBackgroundColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the DisabledBorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledHelpTextColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledHelpTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledIconColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledLabelColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledLabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledTextColorProperty static Identifies the DisabledTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisplayFormatProperty static Identifies the DisplayFormat bindable property.
DisplayTextProperty static Identifies the DisplayText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconColorProperty static Identifies the EndIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the EndIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommandProperty static Identifies the EndIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconProperty static Identifies the EndIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorColorProperty static Identifies the ErrorColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconColorProperty static Identifies the ErrorIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the ErrorIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommandProperty static Identifies the ErrorIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconProperty static Identifies the ErrorIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorTextProperty static Identifies the ErrorText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FlowDirectionProperty static Bindable property for FlowDirection. Inherited from VisualElement.
FocusedBorderColorProperty static Identifies the FocusedBorderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedBorderThicknessProperty static Identifies the FocusedBorderThickness bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedLabelColorProperty static Identifies the FocusedLabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HasErrorProperty static Identifies the HasError bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HeightProperty static Bindable property for Height. Inherited from VisualElement.
HeightRequestProperty static Bindable property for HeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
HelpTextColorProperty static Identifies the HelpTextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HelpTextProperty static Identifies the HelpText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HorizontalOptionsProperty static Bindable property for HorizontalOptions. Inherited from View.
IconColorProperty static Identifies the IconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconIndentProperty static Identifies the IconIndent bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconSpacingProperty static Identifies the IconSpacing bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconVerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the IconVerticalAlignment bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
InputTransparentProperty static Bindable property for InputTransparent. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsDateIconVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsDateIconVisible bindable property.
IsEnabledProperty static Bindable property for IsEnabled. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsEndIconVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsEndIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsErrorIconVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsErrorIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsFocusedProperty static Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsFocusedPropertyKey static Bindable property for IsFocused. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsLabelFloatingProperty static Identifies the IsLabelFloating bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsPickerShownProperty static Identifies the IsPickerShown bindable property.
IsReadOnlyProperty static Identifies the IsReadOnly bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsStartIconVisibleProperty static Identifies the IsStartIconVisible bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsVisibleProperty static Bindable property for IsVisible. Inherited from VisualElement.
LabelColorProperty static Identifies the LabelColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelFontSizeProperty static Identifies the LabelFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelTextProperty static Identifies the LabelText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
MarginProperty static Bindable property for Margin. Inherited from View.
MaxDateProperty static Identifies the MaxDate bindable property.
MinDateProperty static Identifies the MinDate bindable property.
MinimumHeightRequestProperty static Bindable property for MinimumHeightRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
MinimumWidthRequestProperty static Bindable property for MinimumWidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
NavigationProperty static Bindable property for Navigation. Inherited from VisualElement.
OpacityProperty static Bindable property for Opacity. Inherited from VisualElement.
PickerActiveViewTypeProperty static Identifies the PickerActiveViewType bindable property.
PickerBackgroundColorProperty static Identifies the PickerBackgroundColor bindable property.
PickerButtonAreaTemplateProperty static Identifies the PickerButtonAreaTemplate bindable property.
PickerCellMinSizeProperty static Identifies the PickerCellMinSize bindable property.
PickerDayCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the PickerDayCellAppearance bindable property.
PickerDayCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the PickerDayCellTemplate bindable property.
PickerDayOfWeekCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the PickerDayOfWeekCellAppearance bindable property.
PickerDayOfWeekCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the PickerDayOfWeekCellTemplate bindable property.
PickerDisplayDateProperty static Identifies the PickerDisplayDate bindable property.
PickerFirstDayOfWeekProperty static Identifies the PickerFirstDayOfWeek bindable property.
PickerHeaderAppearanceProperty static Identifies the PickerHeaderAppearance bindable property.
PickerHorizontalCellSpacingProperty static Identifies the PickerHorizontalCellSpacing bindable property.
PickerMonthCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the PickerMonthCellAppearance bindable property.
PickerMonthCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the PickerMonthCellTemplate bindable property.
PickerPaddingProperty static Identifies the PickerPadding bindable property.
PickerShowTrailingDaysProperty static Identifies the PickerShowTrailingDays bindable property.
PickerVerticalCellSpacingProperty static Identifies the PickerVerticalCellSpacing bindable property.
PickerYearCellAppearanceProperty static Identifies the PickerYearCellAppearance bindable property.
PickerYearCellTemplateProperty static Identifies the PickerYearCellTemplate bindable property.
PlaceholderColorProperty static Identifies the PlaceholderColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
PlaceholderTextProperty static Identifies the PlaceholderText bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
propertyMapper protected Represents the view’s internal PropertyMapper. Inherited from View.
ReserveBottomTextLineProperty static Identifies the ReserveBottomTextLine bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the ReturnCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnCommandProperty static Identifies the ReturnCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnTypeProperty static Identifies the ReturnType bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
RotationProperty static Bindable property for Rotation. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationXProperty static Bindable property for RotationX. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationYProperty static Bindable property for RotationY. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleProperty static Bindable property for Scale. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleXProperty static Bindable property for ScaleX. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleYProperty static Bindable property for ScaleY. Inherited from VisualElement.
StartIconColorProperty static Identifies the StartIconColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommandParameterProperty static Identifies the StartIconCommandParameter bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommandProperty static Identifies the StartIconCommand bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconProperty static Identifies the StartIcon bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StyleProperty static Bindable property for Style. Inherited from VisualElement.
TextColorProperty static Identifies the TextColor bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontAttributesProperty static Identifies the TextFontAttributes bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontFamilyProperty static Identifies the TextFontFamily bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontSizeProperty static Identifies the TextFontSize bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextHorizontalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the TextHorizontalAlignment bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextVerticalAlignmentProperty static Identifies the TextVerticalAlignment bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TranslationXProperty static Bindable property for TranslationX. Inherited from VisualElement.
TranslationYProperty static Bindable property for TranslationY. Inherited from VisualElement.
TriggersProperty static Bindable property for Triggers. Inherited from VisualElement.
UseNativePickerProperty static Identifies the UseNativePicker bindable property.
VerticalOptionsProperty static Bindable property for VerticalOptions. Inherited from View.
VisualProperty static Bindable property for Visual. Inherited from VisualElement.
WidthProperty static Bindable property for Width. Inherited from VisualElement.
WidthRequestProperty static Bindable property for WidthRequest. Inherited from VisualElement.
XProperty static Bindable property for X. Inherited from VisualElement.
YProperty static Bindable property for Y. Inherited from VisualElement.


Name Description
ActualAppearance Gets the common appearance settings that are applied to the current DateEdit.
AllowAnimation Gets or sets whether the editor’s floating label moves with a smooth animation effect. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
AnchorX Gets or sets the X component of the center point for any transform operation, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
AnchorY Gets or sets the Y component of the center point for any transform operation, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
AutofillContentType Gets or sets the hint that helps an autofill service determine how to populate the editor with user data. This is a bindable property.
AutomationId Gets or sets a value that allows the automation framework to find and interact with this element. Inherited from Element.
Background Gets or sets the Brush which will be used to fill the background of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
BackgroundColor Gets or sets the Color which will fill the background of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Batched Gets a value that indicates there are batched changes done for this element. Inherited from VisualElement.
Behaviors Gets the list of Behavior objects associated to this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.

Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.
BorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontAttributes Gets or sets whether the editor’s help and error text is bold or italic. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontFamily Gets or sets the font family name for the editor’s help and error text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the editor’s help and error text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BottomTextTopIndent Gets or sets the distance between the editor’s bottom border and help/error text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Bounds Gets the bounds of the element in device-independent units. Inherited from VisualElement.
BoxHeight Gets or sets the edit box height. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMargin Gets the margin of the edit box inside the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum edit box height. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum edit box width. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxMode Gets or sets whether a stroke is displayed around the entire editor box or for the bottom edge only. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
BoxPadding Gets or sets the amount of space between borders of the edit box and its content. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CharacterCasing Gets or sets whether to automatically convert characters to lowercase or uppercase when a user enters text in the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClassId Gets or sets a value used to identify a collection of semantically similar elements. Inherited from Element.
ClearIcon Gets or sets the clear icon image. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconColor Gets or sets the color of the clear icon. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user taps the clear icon. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the ClearIconCommand. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ClearIconVisibility Gets or sets whether the clear icon is displayed. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Clip Specifies the clipping region for an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
CornerMode Gets or sets whether edit box corners are rounded or cut. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CornerRadius Gets or sets the corner radius of the edit box. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
CursorColor Gets or sets the editor’s cursor color. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Date Gets or sets the editor’s value. This is a bindable property.
DateChangedCommand Gets or sets a command executed when the Date property value changes. This is a bindable property.
DateChangedCommandParameter Gets or sets a parameter passed to the DateChangedCommand. This is a bindable property.
DateIcon Gets or sets an icon displayed at the editor’s far edge. This is a bindable property.
DateIconColor Gets or sets the date icon’s color. This is a bindable property.
DateIconCommand Gets or sets a command executed when a user taps the date icon. This is a bindable property.
DateIconCommandParameter Gets or sets a parameter passed to the DateIconCommand. This is a bindable property.
DesiredSize Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process. Inherited from VisualElement.
DisabledBackgroundColor Gets or sets the edit box background in disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders in a disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders in a disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledHelpTextColor Gets or sets the color of the help text shown below the disabled editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledIconColor Gets or sets the color for icons of the editor in a disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledLabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in a disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisabledTextColor Gets or sets the color of text entered into the editor in a disabled state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
DisableLayout Gets a value that indicates that layout for this element is disabled. Inherited from VisualElement.

Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s).

Inherited from BindableObject.
DisplayFormat Gets or sets the pattern used to format the DateEdit‘s value. This is a bindable property.
DisplayText Gets a string value that specifies the formatted text displayed in the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EffectControlProvider For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
Effects Gets or sets the styles and properties that will be applied to the element during runtime. Inherited from Element.
EndIcon Gets or sets the trailing icon image. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconColor Gets or sets the color of a custom icon displayed at the editor’s far edge. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user taps the trailing icon. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the EndIconCommand. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorColor Gets or sets the color of the edit box’s borders, label, error icon, and error message if there is an input error. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIcon Gets or sets the error icon image. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconColor Gets or sets the color of an icon displayed when HasError is set to true. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user taps the error icon. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the ErrorIconCommand. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorText Gets or sets the text message that appears below the editor in an error state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FlowDirection Gets or sets the layout flow direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
FocusedBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the editor box borders in a focused state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedBorderThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the editor box borders in a focused state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
FocusedLabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in a focused state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Frame Gets or sets the frame this element resides in on screen. Inherited from VisualElement.
GestureRecognizers The collection of gesture recognizers associated with this view. Inherited from View.
Handler Gets or sets the IViewHandler associated to this element. Inherited from VisualElement.
HasError Gets or sets whether the editor has an error. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Height Gets the current rendered height of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
HeightRequest Gets or sets the desired height override of this element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
HelpText Gets or sets the input prompt text displayed below the edit box. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HelpTextColor Gets or sets the color of the help text shown below the edit box. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
HorizontalOptions Gets or sets the LayoutOptions that define how the element gets laid out in a layout cycle. This is a bindable property. Inherited from View.
IconColor Gets or sets the color for editor icons. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconIndent Gets or sets the distance between an icon and input text (affix). This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconSpacing Gets or sets the distance between icons. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IconVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of icons. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Id Gets a value that can be used to uniquely identify an element throughout the run of your application. Inherited from Element.
InputTransparent Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element responds to hit testing during user interaction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsDateIconVisible Gets or sets whether the date icon is visible. This is a bindable property.
IsEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is enabled in the user interface. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsEndIconVisible Gets or sets whether the trailing icon is visible. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsErrorIconVisible Gets or sets whether the error icon is visible. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsFocused Gets a value indicating whether this element is focused currently. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsLabelFloating Gets or sets whether the label changes its position depending on the editor state, or it is pinned to the top of the editor box. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsPickerShown Gets or sets whether the date picker is displayed. This is a bindable property.
IsPlatformEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this elements’s platform equivalent element is enabled. Inherited from VisualElement.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether users can change a value in the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsStartIconVisible Gets or sets whether the leading icon is visible. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
IsVisible Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element will be visible on screen and take up space in layouts. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
LabelColor Gets or sets the text color for the label of the editor in an unfocused state. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelFontSize Gets or sets the font size of the editor’s label text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
LabelText Gets or sets the editor’s label text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
LogicalChildren For internal use by the Microsoft.Maui.Controls platform. Inherited from Element.
Margin Gets or set the margin for the view. Inherited from View.
MaxDate Gets or sets the maximum date that users can assign to the editor. This is a bindable property.
MinDate Gets or sets the minimum date that users can assign to the editor. This is a bindable property.
MinimumHeightRequest Gets or sets the minimum height the element will request during layout. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
MinimumWidthRequest Gets or sets the minimum width the element will request during layout. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Opacity Gets or sets the opacity value applied to the element when it is rendered. The range of this value is 0 to 1; values outside this range will be set to the nearest valid value. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Parent Gets or sets the parent Element of this element. Inherited from Element.
PickerActiveViewType Gets or sets whether the calendar displays the day, month, or year view. This is a bindable property.
PickerBackgroundColor Gets or sets the background color of the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerButtonAreaTemplate Gets or sets the template applied to the button area of the DateEdit. This is a bindable property.
PickerCellMinSize Gets or sets the minimum size of cells in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerDayCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to days in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerDayCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render days in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerDayOfWeekCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to days of the week in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerDayOfWeekCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render days of the week in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerDisplayDate Gets or sets a date that allows you to specify the month, year, or decade displayed in the current date picker view. This is a bindable property.
PickerFirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the first day of the week in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerHeaderAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to the default picker’s header. This is a bindable property.
PickerHorizontalCellSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between cells in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerMonthCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to months in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerMonthCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render months in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerPadding Gets or sets the padding of the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerShowTrailingDays Gets or sets whether days related to the previous and next months are displayed in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerVerticalCellSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing between cells in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerYearCellAppearance Gets or sets appearance settings applied to years in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PickerYearCellTemplate Gets or sets a data template used to render years in the default picker. This is a bindable property.
PlaceholderColor Gets or sets the placeholder color. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
PlaceholderText Gets or sets the placeholder text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
RealParent For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
ReserveBottomTextLine Gets or sets whether the line with the error text below the edit box is reserved. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Resources Gets or sets the local resource dictionary. Inherited from VisualElement.
ReturnCommand Gets or sets the command that is executed when a user taps the ‘Return’ button. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the ReturnCommand. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
ReturnType Gets or sets the appearance of the ‘Return’ button on the operating system’s on-screen keyboard. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
Rotation Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the Z-axis (affine rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationX Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the X-axis (perspective rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
RotationY Gets or sets the rotation (in degrees) about the Y-axis (perspective rotation) when the element is rendered. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Scale Gets or sets the scale factor applied to the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleX Gets or sets a scale value to apply to the X direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
ScaleY Gets or sets a scale value to apply to the Y direction. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
StartIcon Gets or sets the leading icon image. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconColor Gets or sets the color of a custom icon displayed at the editor’s near edge. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommand Gets or sets the command executed when a user taps the leading icon. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StartIconCommandParameter Gets or sets the parameter passed to the StartIconCommand. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
StyleId Gets or sets a user defined value to uniquely identify the element. Inherited from Element.
TextColor Gets or sets the color of text entered into the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontAttributes Gets or sets the font style that the editor uses for input text, label and placeholder. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontFamily Gets or sets the font family that the editor uses for input text, label and placeholder. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextFontSize Gets or sets the font size of text entered into the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of text entered in the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TextVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical text alignment in the editor. This is a bindable property. Inherited from EditBase.
TranslationX Gets or sets the X translation delta of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
TranslationY Gets or sets the Y translation delta of the element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Triggers Gets the list of TriggerBase objects associated to this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
UseNativePicker Gets or sets whether to use a platform-specific (native) or cross-platform (default) date picker. This is a bindable property.
VerticalOptions Gets or sets the LayoutOptions that define how the element gets laid out in a layout cycle. This is a bindable property. Inherited from View.
Visual Gets or sets a IVisual implementation that overrides the visual appearance of an element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Width Gets the current width of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
WidthRequest Gets or sets the desired width override of this element. This is a bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
X Gets the current X position of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.
Y Gets the current Y position of this element. This is a read-only bindable property. Inherited from VisualElement.


Name Description
ApplyBindings() protected Applies all the current bindings to BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject.
BatchBegin() Signals the start of a batch of changes to the elements properties. This can benefit performance if a bigger number of property values are changed. Inherited from VisualElement.
BatchCommit() Signals the end of a batch of commands to the element and that those commands should now be committed. Inherited from VisualElement.
ChangeVisualState() protected Changes the current visual state based on this elements current property values. Inherited from VisualElement.
ClearValue(BindableProperty) Clears any value that is previously set for a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
ClearValue(BindablePropertyKey) Clears any value that is previously set for a bindable property, identified by its key. Inherited from BindableObject.

Coerces the value of the specified bindable property. This is done by invoking BindableProperty.CoerceValueDelegate of the specified bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.

Coerces the value of the specified bindable property. This is done by invoking BindableProperty.CoerceValueDelegate of the specified bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.
EffectIsAttached(String) For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindByName(String) Returns the element that has the specified name. Inherited from Element.
Focus() Focuses the EditBase descendant and displays the device keyboard. Inherited from EditBase.
GetChildElements(Point) Gets the child elements that are visually beneath the specified point. Inherited from View.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetValue(BindableProperty) Returns the value that is contained in the given bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
InvalidateMeasure() protected Marks the current measure of an element as invalidated. Inherited from VisualElement.
InvalidateMeasureNonVirtual(InvalidationTrigger) Invalidates the measure of an element. Inherited from VisualElement.
InvalidateMeasureOverride() protected

Provides a way to allow subclasses (e.g., Layout) to override InvalidateMeasure() even though the interface has to be explicitly implemented to avoid conflict with the InvalidateMeasure() method.

Inherited from VisualElement.
IsSet(BindableProperty) Determines whether or not a bindable property exists and has a value set. Inherited from BindableObject.
Measure(Double, Double, MeasureFlags) Returns the minimum size that an element needs in order to be displayed on the device. Inherited from VisualElement.
MeasureOverride(Double, Double) protected

Provides a way to allow subclasses to override Measure(Double, Double, MeasureFlags) even though the interface has to be explicitly implemented to avoid conflict with the old Measure method.

Inherited from VisualElement.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
IElementController.SetValueFromRenderer(BindableProperty, Object) For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
OnChildrenReordered() protected Raises the ChildrenReordered event. Inherited from VisualElement.
OnMeasure(Double, Double) protected Method that is called when a layout measurement happens. Inherited from VisualElement.
OnPropertyChanging(String) protected Raises the PropertyChanging event. Inherited from BindableObject.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveBinding(BindableProperty) Removes a previously set binding from a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
RemoveDynamicResource(BindableProperty) Removes a previously set dynamic resource. Inherited from Element.
SetBinding(BindableProperty, BindingBase) Assigns a binding to a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
SetDynamicResource(BindableProperty, String) Sets the BindableProperty property of this element to be updated via the DynamicResource with the provided key. Inherited from Element.
SetInheritedBindingContext(BindableObject, Object) static Sets the inherited context to a nested element. Inherited from BindableObject.
SetValue(BindableProperty, Object) Sets the value of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
SetValue(BindablePropertyKey, Object) Sets the value of the specified bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject.
SetValueCore(BindableProperty, Object, SetValueFlags) For internal use by the Microsoft.Maui.Controls platform. Inherited from BindableObject.
SetValueFromRenderer(BindableProperty, Object) For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
SetValueFromRenderer(BindablePropertyKey, Object) For internal use by .NET MAUI. Inherited from Element.
SizeAllocated(Double, Double) protected Method that is called during a layout cycle to signal the start of a sub-tree layout. Inherited from VisualElement.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UnapplyBindings() protected Removes all current bindings from the current context. Inherited from BindableObject.
Unfocus() Unsets keyboard focus on this element. Inherited from VisualElement.


Name Description
BatchCommitted Occurs when a batch of property changes have been committed by calling BatchCommit(). Inherited from VisualElement.
BindingContextChanged Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes. Inherited from BindableObject.
ChildAdded Raised whenever a child element is added to the element. Inherited from Element.
ChildRemoved Raised whenever a child element is removed from the element. Inherited from Element.
ChildrenReordered Occurs when the order of this element’s children changes. Inherited from VisualElement.
ClearIconClicked Occurs when a user taps the clear icon. Inherited from EditBase.
Completed Occurs when a user taps the ‘Return’ button of the keyboard. Inherited from EditBase.
DateChanged Fires when the Date property value changes.
DateIconClicked Fires when the date icon is clicked.
DescendantAdded Raised whenever a child element is added to the element’s subtree. Inherited from Element.
DescendantRemoved Raised whenever a child element is removed from the elements subtree. Inherited from Element.
DoubleTap Fires when the user double taps the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
EndIconClicked Occurs when a user taps the trailing icon. Inherited from EditBase.
ErrorIconClicked Occurs when a user taps the error icon. Inherited from EditBase.
Focused Occurs when this element is focused. Inherited from VisualElement.
LongPress Fires when the user presses and holds the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
MeasureInvalidated Occurs when the current measure of an element has been invalidated. Inherited from VisualElement.
PickerCustomDayCellAppearance Allows you to customize days in the default picker.
PickerCustomDayOfWeekCellAppearance Allows you to customize days of the week in the default picker.
PickerCustomMonthCellAppearance Allows you to customize months in the default picker.
PickerCustomYearCellAppearance Allows you to customize years in the default picker.
PickerDisableDate Allows you to disable a specific date in the default picker.
PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. Inherited from BindableObject.
PropertyChanging Occurs when a property value is changing. Inherited from BindableObject.
SizeChanged Occurs when the size of an element changed. Inherited from VisualElement.
StartIconClicked Occurs when a user taps the leading icon. Inherited from EditBase.
Tap Fires when the user taps the editor. Inherited from EditBase.
Unfocused Occurs when this element is unfocused. Inherited from VisualElement.
See Also