ASPxClientRadioButton Methods
Represents the client-side equivalent of the ASPxRadioButton control.Name | Description |
AdjustControl | Modifies the control’s size against the control’s container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
AdjustControls static | Modifies the controls size within the specified container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
AreEditorsValid static | Verifies whether the editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group, are valid. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
AttachEditorModificationListener(handler, predicate) static | Attaches a handler to the ASPxClientEdit‘s event indicating whether the editor has been changed since the previous state. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
Cast(obj) static | Converts the specified object to the ASPxClientRadioButton type. |
ClearEditorsInContainer(container) static | Assigns a null value to all editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ClearEditorsInContainerById(containerId) static | Assigns a null value to all editors which are located within the specified container object, and belonging to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ClearGroup(validationGroup) static | Assigns a null value to all editors which belong to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
DetachEditorModificationListener(handler, predicate) static | Detaches a handler from the editor’s event if the editor meets the predicate criteria. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
Focus | Sets input focus to the editor. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
GetCaption | Returns the text displayed in the editor caption. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
GetChecked | Returns a value indicating whether the radio button is checked. |
GetCheckState | Returns a value which specifies a check box checked state. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckBox. |
GetClientVisible | Obsolete. Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetControlCollection static | Returns a collection of client web control objects. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
GetEnabled | Returns a value indicating whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
GetErrorText | Gets the error text to be displayed within the editor’s error frame if the editor’s validation fails. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
GetHeight | Returns the control’s height. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
GetInputElement | Returns an HTML element that is the control’s input element. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
GetIsValid | Gets a value that indicates whether the editor’s value passes validation. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
GetMainElement | Returns an HTML element that is the root of the control’s hierarchy. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetParentControl | Returns a client instance of the control that is the parent for a specified control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetReadOnly | Returns a value indicating whether the editor’s state is read-only on the client-side. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
GetText | Returns the text displayed within the editor. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckBox. |
GetValue | Returns the editor’s value. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
GetVisible | Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
GetWidth | Returns the control’s width. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
InCallback | Returns a value that determines whether a callback request sent by a web control is being currently processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) | Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetCaption(caption) | Specifies the text displayed in the editor caption. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
SetChecked(isChecked) | Sets a value which specifies the radio button’s checked status. |
SetCheckState(checkState) | Sets a value specifying the state of a check box. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckBox. |
SetClientVisible(visible) | Obsolete. Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetEnabled(value) | Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
SetErrorText(errorText) | Sets the error text to be displayed within the editor’s error frame if the editor’s validation fails. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
SetHeight(height) |
Specifies the control’s height. Note that this method is not in effect for some controls. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
SetIsValid(isValid) | Sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s value is valid. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
SetReadOnly(readOnly) | Specifies whether the control’s state is read-only on the client side. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
SetText(text) | Sets the text to be displayed within the editor. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckBox. |
SetValue(value) | Changes the editor’s value. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase. |
SetVisible(visible) | Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase. |
SetWidth(width) | Specifies the control’s width in pixels. Inherited from ASPxClientControl. |
Validate | Performs the editor’s validation. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ValidateEditorsInContainer(container) static | Validates all editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ValidateEditorsInContainerById(containerId) static | Performs validation of the editors which are located within the specified container and belong to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
ValidateGroup(validationGroup) static | Performs validation of editors contained within the specified validation group, dependent on the editor visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit. |
See Also