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ASPxClientEdit.ClearEditorsInContainerById(containerId) Method

Assigns a null value to all editors which are located within the specified container object, and belonging to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified.


static ClearEditorsInContainerById(
    containerId: string,
    validationGroup?: string,
    clearInvisibleEditors?: boolean
): void


Name Type Description
containerId string

A string value specifying the editor container’s identifier.

validationGroup string

A string value specifying the validatiion group’s name.

clearInvisibleEditors boolean

true to clear both visible and invisible editors that belong to the specified container and group; false to clear only visible editors.


This method can be used to reset the specified editors to null values while performing validation.


If the containerID parameter is set to null, the method clears all/visible (under the clearInvisibleEditors parameter value) editors which belong to a specific validation group.

If the validationGroup parameter is set to null, the method clears all/visible (under the clearInvisibleEditors parameter value) editors located within the specified container.

If both the containerID and validationGroup parameters are set to null, the method clears all/visible (under the clearInvisibleEditors parameter value) editors on a page.

See Also