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ASPxClientCardViewSelectionEventArgs.isChangedOnServer Property

Gets whether a selection has been changed on the server.


isChangedOnServer: boolean

#Property Value

Type Description

true if a selection has been changed on the server; otherwise, false.


To select or unselect cards on the server-side, use the methods provided by the CardViewSelection object returned by the ASPxCardView.Selection property. To learn more, see Selection.


If the selection has been changed on the server (the ASPxClientCardViewSelectionEventArgs.isChangedOnServer property returns true) the ASPxClientCardViewSelectionEventArgs.isAllRecordsOnPage, ASPxClientCardViewSelectionEventArgs.isSelected, and ASPxClientCardViewSelectionEventArgs.visibleIndex properties are not in effect. To learn more, see the ASPxClientCardView.SelectionChanged event description.

See Also