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Member Table: Summary


Member Description
ASPxGridViewSettings.ShowFooter Specifies whether the view’s footer is displayed.
ASPxGridView.GroupSummary Provides access to group summary items.
ASPxGridView.TotalSummary Provides access to total summary items.
ASPxGridView.GetGroupRowSummaryText Returns the summary text displayed within the specified group row.
ASPxGridView.GetGroupSummaryValue Returns a summary value calculated against the specified group of rows.
ASPxGridView.GetTotalSummaryValue Returns a summary value calculated against all data rows.
ASPxGridBase.CustomSummaryCalculate Enables you to calculate summary values manually.
ASPxGridView.SummaryDisplayText Enables custom display text to be provided for any summary value.
GridViewStyles.Footer Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells.
GridViewColumn.FooterCellStyle Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells within a column.