ASPxGridViewSettings.ShowFooter |
Specifies whether the view’s footer is displayed. |
ASPxGridView.GroupSummary |
Provides access to group summary items. |
ASPxGridView.TotalSummary |
Provides access to total summary items. |
ASPxGridView.GetGroupRowSummaryText |
Returns the summary text displayed within the specified group row. |
ASPxGridView.GetGroupSummaryValue |
Returns a summary value calculated against the specified group of rows. |
ASPxGridView.GetTotalSummaryValue |
Returns a summary value calculated against all data rows. |
ASPxGridBase.CustomSummaryCalculate |
Enables you to calculate summary values manually. |
ASPxGridView.SummaryDisplayText |
Enables custom display text to be provided for any summary value. |
GridViewStyles.Footer |
Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells. |
GridViewColumn.FooterCellStyle |
Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells within a column. |