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Member Table: Master-Detail Relationship

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Member Description
ASPxGridView.SettingsDetail Provides access to the ASPxGridView’s master-detail options.
ASPxGridBase.BeforePerformDataSelect Occurs before the ASPxGridView control obtains data from a data source.
ASPxGridView.DetailRows Contains methods used to expand/collapse detail rows, etc.
ASPxGridView.DetailsChanged Fires after a detail row(s) has been expanded or collapsed.
ASPxGridView.GetMasterRowFieldValues Returns the values within the specified master row cells.
ASPxGridView.GetMasterRowKeyValue Returns the master row’s key value.
GridViewStyles.DetailRow Gets the style settings used to paint detail rows.
GridViewTemplates.DetailRow Specifies a template for displaying detail rows.
ASPxGridView.DetailRowGetButtonVisibility Enables you to hide/show expand buttons displayed within individual data rows.


Member Description
ASPxClientGridView.CollapseAllDetailRows Collapses all detail rows.
ASPxClientGridView.CollapseDetailRow Collapses the specified detail row.
ASPxClientGridView.ExpandAllDetailRows Expands all detail rows.
ASPxClientGridView.ExpandDetailRow Expands the specified detail row.