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Member Table: Grouping

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Member Description
ASPxGridViewBehaviorSettings.AllowGroup Specifies whether users can group data.
GridViewDataColumnSettings.AllowGroup Specifies whether users can group data against column values.
ASPxGridView.GroupBy Groups data by the values of the specified column.
GridViewDataColumn.GroupBy Groups data by the values of the current column.
ASPxGridView.GroupCount Indicates the number of columns used to group data.
ASPxGridViewSettings.GroupFormat Specifies the text pattern for group rows.
GridViewDataColumn.GroupIndex Specifies whether the column takes part in grouping, and at which level.
ASPxGridView.UnGroup Ungroups data by the values of the specified column.
GridViewDataColumn.UnGroup Ungroups data by the values of the current column.
ASPxGridView.GetRowLevel Returns the level at which the specified row resides.
ASPxGridView.ExpandRow Expands the specified group row and child group rows (if needed) at all nesting levels.
ASPxGridView.ExpandAll Expands all group rows.
ASPxGridView.CollapseRow Collapses the specified group row and (if needed) any child group rows at all nesting levels.
ASPxGridView.CollapseAll Collapses all group rows.
GridViewStyles.GroupRow Gets the style settings used to paint group rows.
GridViewStyles.GroupButtonWidth Specifies the group button’s width.
GridViewTemplates.GroupRow Specifies a template for displaying group rows.
GridViewTemplates.GroupRowContent Specifies a template for displaying the content of group rows.


Member Description
ASPxClientGridView.GroupBy Groups data by the values of the specified column.
ASPxClientGridView.UnGroup Ungroups data by the values of the specified column.
ASPxClientGridView.ColumnGrouping Enables you to cancel data grouping.
ASPxClientGridView.RowExpanding Fires before a group row is expanded.
ASPxClientGridView.RowCollapsing Fires before a group row is collapsed.