Endless Paging
- 3 minutes to read
Set the SettingsPager.Mode property to EndlessPaging
to enable the grid’s Endless Paging mode.
In Endless Paging mode, the grid hierarchy is created on the server side, and is sent to the client side on demand based on user actions. The hierarchy is created based on row keys. Ensure that you specify the ASPxGridBase.KeyFieldName property so that the grid works properly.
Since the grid creates portions of its hierarchy only on the server side, visible row indexes can differ from the indexes on the client side. We recommend that you use the FindVisibleIndexByKeyValue method to get the visible index of the actual row before using it (for example, in the GetRowValues method).
In Endless Paging mode, a grid can be updated in the following two ways:
- A partial update is performed when a user loads a page, or expands/collapses a group or detail row. In this case, rows that are loaded on the client side are maintained. The header and footer are not updated.
- A full update is performed when a user filters, sorts, groups, or drags columns. As a result, the view on the client side is not synchronized with data on the server side, so data should be reloaded.
#Endless Paging Mode Limitations
- Templates. In Endless Paging mode, only the currently required data is created on the server. When the grid contains a template with a control, it cannot access the template data if the hierarchy has not been created on the server side. In this mode, grid templates should be used for appearance customization purposes only.
- Master-Detail Grid. The master-detail grid implementation is based on the template technology, and is not supported in Endless Paging mode.
- Edit Form Template. Edit form templates do not work properly in Endless Paging mode. To use them, collect and update grid data manually on the client side.
- ASPxGridLookup. The ASPxGridLookup control does not support Endless Paging mode for the grid.
- In Endless Paging mode, the grid does not support SEO paging.
- In Endless Paging mode, the grid does not support fixed groups.
- The server-side MakeRowVisible method. In Endless Paging mode, the ASPxGridView.MakeRowVisible method is not in effect.
- The client-side MakeRowVisible method. In Endless Paging mode, the ASPxClientGridView.MakeRowVisible method is in effect for uploaded rows only.
- GridViewDataComboBoxColumn (as well as ASPxComboBox in a template) is not supported when callbacks are enabled.
- Grouping. When the grid is grouped by a column and a user changes this column’s value in a record, the grid does not create a new group to display the updated record.
- Sorting. When the grid is sorted by a column and a user changes this column’s value in a record, the grid does not display the updated record.