AspNetCoreApplication Members
The base class with additional services for XAF and non-XAF ASP.NET Core applications.Constructors
Name | Description |
AspNetCoreApplication(ITypesInfo) | Initializes a new instance of the AspNetCoreApplication class with specified settings. |
Name | Description |
Confirmations static | Gets the name on the Localization node’s child node that provides access to the localizable confirmations texts. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CurrentVersion static | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ModelCacheLocationKey static | The name of the configuration file key, which specifies the Application Model cache file location (see XafApplication.EnableModelCache). Inherited from XafApplication. |
OptionsNodeName static | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
TablePrefixesKey static | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
TraceLogLocationKey static | Specifies the setting in the configuration file’s appSettings section. This setting specifies the log file location. Inherited from XafApplication. |
XafApplicationLogonCatchExceptionKey static | Specifies a string identifier for exceptions occurred while logging on to the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Name | Description |
ApplicationCache | Inherited from XafApplication. |
ApplicationName | Specifies the application’s name. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
CheckCompatibilityType | Specifies how the database and application compatibility is checked. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Connection | Specifies the connection to the database used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ConnectionString | Specifies the connection string used to connect to the application’s database or to the Application Server. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
CurrentAspectProvider | Returns an ICurrentAspectProvider object that supplies culture-specific information. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DatabaseUpdateMode | Specifies the database update mode. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DefaultCollectionSourceMode | Specifies the default mode of operation for Collection Sources created by the XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DelayedViewItemsInitialization | Indicates whether View Items controls are initialized immediately when a View is created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
DesignTimeConnectionString static | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
EditorFactory | Provides access to the application’s Editors Factory, which is used to load View Items and List Editors to the Application Model and create them when needed. Inherited from XafApplication. |
EnableModelCache | Specifies if the Application Model cache designed to improve the startup speed and performance is enabled. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
IgnoredExceptions | Returns a collection of exceptions that are not to be reported by the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
IsConnectionOwner | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
IsDelayedDetailViewDataLoadingEnabled | For internal use. Use the DetailView.UseAsyncLoading field instead of this property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
IsLoading | Indicates whether the application component is currently being initialized. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LinkNewObjectToParentImmediately | Specifies whether or not a link between a master and child object is created immediately when the NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction is executed in a nested List View with a non-aggregated collection. Inherited from XafApplication. |
MainWindow | Provides access to the application’s main Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
MaxLogonAttemptCount | Specifies the allowed number of failed login attempts before the application closes. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Model | Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Modules | Provides access to the module list used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ObjectSpaceProvider | Provides access to the application’s Object Space Provider. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ObjectSpaceProviderContainer | Inherited from XafApplication. |
ObjectSpaceProviders | Gets a list of Object Space Providers used by XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication. |
OptimizeControllersCreationInMasterDetailMode | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
OptimizedControllersCreation | Disables the instantiation of Controllers that will never be activated in nested List Views. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ResourcesExportedToModel | Provides access to a collection of Resource Localizers used in the current application to extend the Application Model’s IModelLocalization node. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Security | Provides access to the Security Strategy used in the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ServiceProvider | Provides access to IServiceProvider. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ShowViewStrategy | Specifies the application’s Show View Strategy. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Site | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
TablePrefixes | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Title | Specifies the application’s title. Inherited from XafApplication. |
TypesInfo | Gets the ITypesInfo object that supplies metadata on types used in an XAF application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Name | Description |
AskConfirmation(ConfirmationType) | Requests an end-user confirmation. Inherited from XafApplication. |
BeginInit() | Starts the XafApplication‘s initialization. Initialization occurs at runtime. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CheckCompatibility() | Checks whether the application and database are compatible, and if not, tries to make them compatible. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String) | Creates a collection source for a specified List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateController<ControllerType>() | Creates a Controller of a specified type. If there is a Controller of the same type, assigns its settings to the new Controller. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDashboardView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) | Creates a Dashboard View using information from the Application Model‘s Views | DashboardView node specified by the dashboardViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDatabaseUpdater(IObjectSpaceProvider) | Creates a Database Updater for a specified Object Space Provider. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean, Object) | Creates a Detail View for the specified object with settings from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean) | Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, View) | Creates a Detail View for a specified object based on information on the source View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) | Creates a DetailView for the specified object and initializes its properties. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) | Creates a Detail View based on information specified in the Application Model for the type of the specified object. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object, Boolean, IEnumerable) | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object) | Creates a Detail View for the specified object based on the information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) | Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(Object, Boolean) | For internal use only. Use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) overload instead. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailView(Object) | For internal use. We recommend to use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) overload instead. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, Object, Object) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, String, Object, Object) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateFrame(TemplateContext) | Creates a new Frame. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateLayoutManager(Boolean) | Creates a Layout Manager. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListEditor(CollectionSourceBase, IModelListView) | Creates the List Editor which is specified in the appropriate Application Model node. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListView(IObjectSpace, Type, Boolean) | Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean, ListEditor) | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) | Creates a List View based on the information from the Application Model‘s node specified by the modelListView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListView(String, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) | Creates a List View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | View node specified by the listViewId parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateListView(Type, Boolean) | Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext, View) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateNestedObjectSpace(IObjectSpace) | Creates nested Object Space. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateObject<T>(out IObjectSpace) | Creates an object of the type designated by the generic type parameter. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateObjectSpace() | Creates an Object Space. Use this method overload if your application registers only one ObjectSpaceProvider. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateObjectSpace(Type) | Creates an Object Space that supports a specific object type. Use this method overload if your application registers several ObjectSpaceProviders. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateObjectSpace<T>() | Creates an Object Space of the specified type. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Controller[]) | Creates a new pop-up Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, View, Boolean, Controller[]) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Boolean, Controller[]) | Creates a new pop-up Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) | Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String) | Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateTemplate(String) | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean, View, ViewShortcut) | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean) | Creates a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean) | Creates a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
DisposeAsync() | Inherited from XafApplication. |
EndInit() | Ends the XafApplication‘s initialization. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Exit() | Finishes runing the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindDetailViewId(Object, View) | Returns the ID of the Detail View which must be used for a specific object, when invoked from the source View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindDetailViewId(Type) | Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindListViewId(Type) | Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindLookupListViewId(Type) | Returnes the ID of the Lookup List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindModelClass(Type) | Returns the Application Model‘s IModelClass node representing the specific business class. Inherited from XafApplication. |
FindModelView(String) | Provides access the Application Model node that defines a specified View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetCompletedViewShortcut(ViewShortcut) | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetDetailViewId(Type) | Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises an exception if the appropriate View ID is not found. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetDiffDefaultName(String) | Gets the model differences file name Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetListViewId(Type) | Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises the ‘CannotFindListViewWithId’ exception if the appropriate View ID is not found. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetObjectSpaceProvider(Type) | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type, TargetWindow) | Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type) | Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetTemplateCustomizationModel(IFrameTemplate) | Returns the Application Model node where settings of a specified Template are stored. Inherited from XafApplication. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
LogOff() | Performs the application logout. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Logon() | Performs the logon. Inherited from XafApplication. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
ProcessShortcut(ViewShortcut) | Creates a View by a specified shortcut. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SaveModelChanges() | Saves the changes made by an end-user, up to the current moment, to the differences storage. Inherited from XafApplication. |
SetFormattingCulture(String) | Sets the specified formatting culture for the current application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
SetLanguage(String) | Sets the specified language for the current application when called before the application windows are shown. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup() | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(ExpressApplicationSetupParameters) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, String, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Setup(String, String, String[]) | Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ShowDetailViewFrom(Frame) | Indicates whether a Views invoked from the specified Frame can be displayed in a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
UpdateStatus(String, String, String, Object[]) | Triggers the XafApplication.StatusUpdating event. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Name | Description |
CreateCustomCollectionSource | Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomDeviceSpecificModelDifferenceStore | Occurs when a storage for device-specific model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomLogonAction | Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomLogonParameterStore | Occurs both when reading and writing the last logon parameters, before creating the logon parameters storage. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers | Occurs when creating Controllers for a Logon Window. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace | Occurs when creating an Object Space for a Logon Window’s Detail View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomModelCacheManager | Occurs when the object used to manage saving and loading the Application Model cache is created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomModelCacheStream | This event is intended for internal use. Handle the XafApplication.CreateCustomModelCacheManager event instead. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomModelDifferenceStore | Occurs when a storage for model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomObjectSpaceProvider | Occurs when setting up the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomPropertyCollectionSource | Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomTemplate | Occurs when creating a Template. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CreateCustomUserModelDifferenceStore | Occurs when a storage for end-user model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomCheckCompatibility | Occurs when trying to access the application’s database (when logging on or creating an Object Space). Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomGetDetailViewId | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomizeFormattingCulture | Occurs after a formatting culture has been set internally. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomizeLanguage | Occurs after a language has been set for the application internally. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomizeLanguagesList | Occurs when setting up the application. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomizeTableName | For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomizeTemplate | Occurs after a Template has been created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
CustomProcessShortcut | Occurs when a View is created by its shortcut. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DashboardViewCreated | Occurs after a Dashboard View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DashboardViewCreating | Occurs when creating a Dashboard View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DatabaseUpdaterCreating | Occurs when creating a database updater. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DatabaseVersionMismatch | Occurs when the application being run calls the database. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DetailViewCreated | Occurs after a Detail View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
DetailViewCreating | Occurs when creating a Detail View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
FrameCreated | Inherited from XafApplication. |
HandleShortcutProcessingException | For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LastLogonParametersRead | Occurs after loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LastLogonParametersReading | Occurs before loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LastLogonParametersWriting | Occurs before saving the logon Window‘s logon parameters to the settings storage. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ListViewCreated | Occurs after a List View is created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ListViewCreating | Occurs when creating a List View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LoggedOff | Occurs after an end-user has logged off. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LoggedOn | Occurs after an end-user has logged on. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LoggingOff | Occurs when a user clicks the Log Off button or the ASP.NET Web Forms session ends. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LoggingOn | Occurs when the Logon button on the logon Window is clicked. Inherited from XafApplication. |
LogonFailed | Occurs when the logon fails. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ModelChanged | Occurs when the Application Model instance returned by the XafApplication.Model property is changed. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ObjectSpaceCreated | Occurs after an Object Space has been created via the XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace method. Inherited from XafApplication. |
OnLoginActionPressed | Inherited from XafApplication. |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when the XafApplication.ApplicationName, XafApplication.Security or XafApplication.Connection property is changed. Inherited from XafApplication. |
SettingUp | Occurs before initializing the XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication. |
SetupComplete | Occurs after the XafApplication class instace has been initialized. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ShowViewStrategyChanged | Occurs when the XafApplication.ShowViewStrategy object is changed. Inherited from XafApplication. |
StatusUpdating | Occurs when the XafApplication status is updated. Inherited from XafApplication. |
UserDifferencesLoaded | Occurs after the user-defined Application Model differences are loaded. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ViewCreated | Occurs after a View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ViewCreating | Occurs when creating a View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ViewShowing | Occurs before showing a View. Inherited from XafApplication. |
ViewShown | Occurs after a View is shown. Inherited from XafApplication. |
See Also