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AspNetCoreApplication Members

The base class with additional services for XAF and non-XAF ASP.NET Core applications.


Name Description
AspNetCoreApplication(ITypesInfo) Initializes a new instance of the AspNetCoreApplication class with specified settings.


Name Description
Confirmations static Gets the name on the Localization node’s child node that provides access to the localizable confirmations texts. Inherited from XafApplication.
CurrentVersion static For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
ModelCacheLocationKey static The name of the configuration file key, which specifies the Application Model cache file location (see XafApplication.EnableModelCache). Inherited from XafApplication.
OptionsNodeName static For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
TablePrefixesKey static For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
TraceLogLocationKey static Specifies the setting in the configuration file’s appSettings section. This setting specifies the log file location. Inherited from XafApplication.
XafApplicationLogonCatchExceptionKey static Specifies a string identifier for exceptions occurred while logging on to the application. Inherited from XafApplication.


Name Description
ApplicationCache Inherited from XafApplication.
ApplicationName Specifies the application’s name. Inherited from XafApplication.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CheckCompatibilityType Specifies how the database and application compatibility is checked. Inherited from XafApplication.
Connection Specifies the connection to the database used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ConnectionString Specifies the connection string used to connect to the application’s database or to the Application Server. Inherited from XafApplication.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
CurrentAspectProvider Returns an ICurrentAspectProvider object that supplies culture-specific information. Inherited from XafApplication.
DatabaseUpdateMode Specifies the database update mode. Inherited from XafApplication.
DefaultCollectionSourceMode Specifies the default mode of operation for Collection Sources created by the XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication.
DelayedViewItemsInitialization Indicates whether View Items controls are initialized immediately when a View is created. Inherited from XafApplication.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DesignTimeConnectionString static For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
EditorFactory Provides access to the application’s Editors Factory, which is used to load View Items and List Editors to the Application Model and create them when needed. Inherited from XafApplication.
EnableModelCache Specifies if the Application Model cache designed to improve the startup speed and performance is enabled. Inherited from XafApplication.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
IgnoredExceptions Returns a collection of exceptions that are not to be reported by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsConnectionOwner For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsDelayedDetailViewDataLoadingEnabled For internal use. Use the DetailView.UseAsyncLoading field instead of this property. Inherited from XafApplication.
IsLoading Indicates whether the application component is currently being initialized. Inherited from XafApplication.
LinkNewObjectToParentImmediately Specifies whether or not a link between a master and child object is created immediately when the NewObjectViewController.NewObjectAction is executed in a nested List View with a non-aggregated collection. Inherited from XafApplication.
MainWindow Provides access to the application’s main Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
MaxLogonAttemptCount Specifies the allowed number of failed login attempts before the application closes. Inherited from XafApplication.
Model Provides access to the Application Model‘s root node. Inherited from XafApplication.
Modules Provides access to the module list used by the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProvider Provides access to the application’s Object Space Provider. Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProviderContainer Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceProviders Gets a list of Object Space Providers used by XafApplication. Inherited from XafApplication.
OptimizeControllersCreationInMasterDetailMode For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
OptimizedControllersCreation Disables the instantiation of Controllers that will never be activated in nested List Views. Inherited from XafApplication.
ResourcesExportedToModel Provides access to a collection of Resource Localizers used in the current application to extend the Application Model’s IModelLocalization node. Inherited from XafApplication.
Security Provides access to the Security Strategy used in the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
ServiceProvider Provides access to IServiceProvider. Inherited from XafApplication.
ShowViewStrategy Specifies the application’s Show View Strategy. Inherited from XafApplication.
Site For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
TablePrefixes For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
Title Specifies the application’s title. Inherited from XafApplication.
TypesInfo Gets the ITypesInfo object that supplies metadata on types used in an XAF application. Inherited from XafApplication.


Name Description
AskConfirmation(ConfirmationType) Requests an end-user confirmation. Inherited from XafApplication.
BeginInit() Starts the XafApplication‘s initialization. Initialization occurs at runtime. Inherited from XafApplication.
CheckCompatibility() Checks whether the application and database are compatible, and if not, tries to make them compatible. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a specific List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, String) Creates a collection source for a specified List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateController<ControllerType>() Creates a Controller of a specified type. If there is a Controller of the same type, assigns its settings to the new Controller. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDashboardView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) Creates a Dashboard View using information from the Application Model‘s Views | DashboardView node specified by the dashboardViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDatabaseUpdater(IObjectSpaceProvider) Creates a Database Updater for a specified Object Space Provider. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean, Object) Creates a Detail View for the specified object with settings from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, IModelDetailView, Boolean) Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the modelDetailView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, View) Creates a Detail View for a specified object based on information on the source View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) Creates a DetailView for the specified object and initializes its properties. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) Creates a Detail View based on information specified in the Application Model for the type of the specified object. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object, Boolean, IEnumerable) For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean, Object) Creates a Detail View for the specified object based on the information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, String, Boolean) Creates a Detail View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | DetailView node specified by the detailViewID parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(Object, Boolean) For internal use only. Use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object, Boolean) overload instead. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailView(Object) For internal use. We recommend to use the CreateDetailView(IObjectSpace, Object) overload instead. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, Object, Object) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateDetailViewWithAsyncObjectLoad(IObjectSpace, String, Object, Object) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateFrame(TemplateContext) Creates a new Frame. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateLayoutManager(Boolean) Creates a Layout Manager. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListEditor(CollectionSourceBase, IModelListView) Creates the List Editor which is specified in the appropriate Application Model node. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListView(IObjectSpace, Type, Boolean) Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean, ListEditor) For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListView(IModelListView, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) Creates a List View based on the information from the Application Model‘s node specified by the modelListView parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListView(String, CollectionSourceBase, Boolean) Creates a List View based on information from the Application Model‘s Views | View node specified by the listViewId parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateListView(Type, Boolean) Creates a List View used for the objects of the specified type, by default. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext, View) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateNestedFrame(ViewItem, TemplateContext) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateNestedObjectSpace(IObjectSpace) Creates nested Object Space. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateObject<T>(out IObjectSpace) Creates an object of the type designated by the generic type parameter. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateObjectSpace() Creates an Object Space. Use this method overload if your application registers only one ObjectSpaceProvider. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateObjectSpace(Type) Creates an Object Space that supports a specific object type. Use this method overload if your application registers several ObjectSpaceProviders. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateObjectSpace<T>() Creates an Object Space of the specified type. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Controller[]) Creates a new pop-up Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, View, Boolean, Controller[]) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePopupWindow(TemplateContext, String, Boolean, Controller[]) Creates a new pop-up Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceDataAccessMode, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String, Boolean, CollectionSourceMode) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreatePropertyCollectionSource(IObjectSpace, Type, Object, IMemberInfo, String) Creates a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateTemplate(String) For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean, View, ViewShortcut) Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean, Boolean) Creates a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateWindow(TemplateContext, ICollection<Controller>, Boolean) Creates a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
DisposeAsync() Inherited from XafApplication.
EndInit() Ends the XafApplication‘s initialization. Inherited from XafApplication.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Exit() Finishes runing the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindDetailViewId(Object, View) Returns the ID of the Detail View which must be used for a specific object, when invoked from the source View. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindDetailViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindListViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindLookupListViewId(Type) Returnes the ID of the Lookup List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindModelClass(Type) Returns the Application Model‘s IModelClass node representing the specific business class. Inherited from XafApplication.
FindModelView(String) Provides access the Application Model node that defines a specified View. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetCompletedViewShortcut(ViewShortcut) For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetDetailViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the Detail View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises an exception if the appropriate View ID is not found. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetDiffDefaultName(String) Gets the model differences file name Inherited from XafApplication.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetListViewId(Type) Returns the ID of the List View which is used for objects of a specified type by default, and raises the ‘CannotFindListViewWithId’ exception if the appropriate View ID is not found. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetObjectSpaceProvider(Type) For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type, TargetWindow) Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetObjectSpaceToShowDetailViewFrom(Frame, Type) Returns an Object Space in which a Detail View should be created to be displayed via the ShowViewStrategyBase.ShowView method. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetTemplateCustomizationModel(IFrameTemplate) Returns the Application Model node where settings of a specified Template are stored. Inherited from XafApplication.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
LogOff() Performs the application logout. Inherited from XafApplication.
Logon() Performs the logon. Inherited from XafApplication.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
ProcessShortcut(ViewShortcut) Creates a View by a specified shortcut. Inherited from XafApplication.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SaveModelChanges() Saves the changes made by an end-user, up to the current moment, to the differences storage. Inherited from XafApplication.
SetFormattingCulture(String) Sets the specified formatting culture for the current application. Inherited from XafApplication.
SetLanguage(String) Sets the specified language for the current application when called before the application windows are shown. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup() Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(ExpressApplicationSetupParameters) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, IObjectSpaceProvider) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, String, String[], ISecurityStrategyBase) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
Setup(String, String, String[]) Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
ShowDetailViewFrom(Frame) Indicates whether a Views invoked from the specified Frame can be displayed in a new Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
UpdateStatus(String, String, String, Object[]) Triggers the XafApplication.StatusUpdating event. Inherited from XafApplication.


Name Description
CreateCustomCollectionSource Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomDeviceSpecificModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for device-specific model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomLogonAction Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomLogonParameterStore Occurs both when reading and writing the last logon parameters, before creating the logon parameters storage. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomLogonWindowControllers Occurs when creating Controllers for a Logon Window. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomLogonWindowObjectSpace Occurs when creating an Object Space for a Logon Window’s Detail View. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomModelCacheManager Occurs when the object used to manage saving and loading the Application Model cache is created. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomModelCacheStream This event is intended for internal use. Handle the XafApplication.CreateCustomModelCacheManager event instead. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomObjectSpaceProvider Occurs when setting up the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomPropertyCollectionSource Occurs when creating a Collection Source for a nested List View that displays a collection property. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomTemplate Occurs when creating a Template. Inherited from XafApplication.
CreateCustomUserModelDifferenceStore Occurs when a storage for end-user model differences is being created. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomCheckCompatibility Occurs when trying to access the application’s database (when logging on or creating an Object Space). Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomGetDetailViewId For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomizeFormattingCulture Occurs after a formatting culture has been set internally. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomizeLanguage Occurs after a language has been set for the application internally. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomizeLanguagesList Occurs when setting up the application. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomizeTableName For internal use. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomizeTemplate Occurs after a Template has been created. Inherited from XafApplication.
CustomProcessShortcut Occurs when a View is created by its shortcut. Inherited from XafApplication.
DashboardViewCreated Occurs after a Dashboard View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication.
DashboardViewCreating Occurs when creating a Dashboard View. Inherited from XafApplication.
DatabaseUpdaterCreating Occurs when creating a database updater. Inherited from XafApplication.
DatabaseVersionMismatch Occurs when the application being run calls the database. Inherited from XafApplication.
DetailViewCreated Occurs after a Detail View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication.
DetailViewCreating Occurs when creating a Detail View. Inherited from XafApplication.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
FrameCreated Inherited from XafApplication.
HandleShortcutProcessingException For internal use only. Inherited from XafApplication.
LastLogonParametersRead Occurs after loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object. Inherited from XafApplication.
LastLogonParametersReading Occurs before loading the last logon parameters from the settings storage to the logon object. Inherited from XafApplication.
LastLogonParametersWriting Occurs before saving the logon Window‘s logon parameters to the settings storage. Inherited from XafApplication.
ListViewCreated Occurs after a List View is created. Inherited from XafApplication.
ListViewCreating Occurs when creating a List View. Inherited from XafApplication.
LoggedOff Occurs after an end-user has logged off. Inherited from XafApplication.
LoggedOn Occurs after an end-user has logged on. Inherited from XafApplication.
LoggingOff Occurs when a user clicks the Log Off button or the ASP.NET Web Forms session ends. Inherited from XafApplication.
LoggingOn Occurs when the Logon button on the logon Window is clicked. Inherited from XafApplication.
LogonFailed Occurs when the logon fails. Inherited from XafApplication.
ModelChanged Occurs when the Application Model instance returned by the XafApplication.Model property is changed. Inherited from XafApplication.
ObjectSpaceCreated Occurs after an Object Space has been created via the XafApplication.CreateObjectSpace method. Inherited from XafApplication.
OnLoginActionPressed Inherited from XafApplication.
PropertyChanged Occurs when the XafApplication.ApplicationName, XafApplication.Security or XafApplication.Connection property is changed. Inherited from XafApplication.
SettingUp Occurs before initializing the XafApplication class instance. Inherited from XafApplication.
SetupComplete Occurs after the XafApplication class instace has been initialized. Inherited from XafApplication.
ShowViewStrategyChanged Occurs when the XafApplication.ShowViewStrategy object is changed. Inherited from XafApplication.
StatusUpdating Occurs when the XafApplication status is updated. Inherited from XafApplication.
UserDifferencesLoaded Occurs after the user-defined Application Model differences are loaded. Inherited from XafApplication.
ViewCreated Occurs after a View has been created. Inherited from XafApplication.
ViewCreating Occurs when creating a View. Inherited from XafApplication.
ViewShowing Occurs before showing a View. Inherited from XafApplication.
ViewShown Occurs after a View is shown. Inherited from XafApplication.
See Also