DevExpress.Persistent.Base Namespace
Contains interfaces and classes used in XAF modules (special assemblies implementing particular features). Interfaces are implemented in some classes from the Business Class Library’s DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.Xpo.dll assembly.
Assemblies: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Persistent.Base.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.ExpressApp, DevExpress.Persistent.Base
Name | Description |
ActionAttribute | Converts a persistent class method into a SimpleAction or PopupWindowShowAction. |
CaptionsForBoolValuesAttribute | Applied to Boolean business class properties. Specifies captions used to display the target property’s values. |
CreatableItemAttribute | Specifies whether a class will have a corresponding item in the New Action’s item list. |
CurrentUserDisplayImageAttribute | Applied to business classes that implement a Security System user. Specifies the name of a property that stores the current user photo or avatar icon. Has effect in the ASP.NET Core Blazor UI and New Web UI only. |
CustomFormatObjectEventArgs | Arguments passed to the ObjectFormatter.CustomFormatObject event. |
CustomGetValueEventArgs | Arguments passed to the ObjectFormatter.CustomGetValue event. |
DataSourceCriteriaAttribute | Applied to business classes‘ reference and collection properties. Specifies the criteria expression used to filter the List View displayed in a Lookup Property Editor or invoked by the LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction Action in a popup window. |
DataSourceCriteriaPropertyAttribute | Applied to business classes‘ reference and collection properties. Specifies the name of a CriteriaOperator type property which returns data source’s filter criteria applied to the List View displayed in a Lookup Property Editor or invoked by the LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction Action in a popup window. |
DataSourcePropertyAttribute | Applied to business classes‘ reference and collection properties. Specifies the name of a collection property used as the data source for a List View displayed in a Lookup Property Editor or invoked by the LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction Action in a popup window. |
DefaultClassOptionsAttribute | Sets default options for a class. |
EditorAliasAttribute | Specifies the Property Editor alias. |
ExpandObjectMembersAttribute | Specifies whether the target reference property is displayed via several Property Editors representing the referenced object’s properties or via a single Lookup or Object Property Editor. |
FileAttachmentAttribute | Applied to business classes that expose a property of the IFileData type. Activates Controllers that manage file attachments for the target business class. Specifies a property that stores a file attachment. |
FileTypeFilterAttribute | Specifies a file type filter in the Open dialog’s “Files of type” box. You can apply this attribute to file data business classes, interfaces, and their properties in ASP.NET Core Blazor and Windows Forms applications. |
FriendlyKeyPropertyAttribute | Specifies the property which is considered an analog of the GUID property, to allow use of more suitable values. |
ImageEditorAttribute | Applied to business class properties of the byte array type. Specifies that the target property persists an image. Attribute parameters specify settings to be used by Image Property Editors when displaying images persisted by the target property. |
ImageNameAttribute | Specifies the name of the image that is displayed for the target class’ objects or target enumeration value. |
ImagesForBoolValuesAttribute | Applied to Boolean business class properties. Specifies the names of the images used to display the target property’s values. |
ImmediatePostDataAttribute | An attribute you can apply to business class properties. This attribute indicates that the Property Editor’s control value should be passed to the property of a bound object as soon as possible when a user changes the editor’s value. |
IndexAttribute | Specifies the target business class property’s order index, that will be considered when generating layout items in a Detail View, and columns in a List View. |
LookupEditorModeAttribute | Specifies the mode of the target business class property’s Lookup Property Editor. |
NavigationItemAttribute | Specifies whether a class will have a corresponding item in the navigation control. |
NonCloneableAttribute | Applied to a business class’ property. Specifies that the target property’s value cannot be cloned when cloning objects via the Clone Object Module. |
NotClonedInfoAttribute | Applied to a business class. Specifies the business class’ string property, which can hold the property values that were not cloned. |
ObjectCaptionFormatAttribute | Specifies a caption format for the target business class’ objects. |
ObjectFormatter | Represents a string formatter. Exposes the static helper ObjectFormatter.Format method that replaces format items in the specified string with the property values of the specified object. |
ToolTipAttribute | Specifies the tooltip that is displayed for the target class’ objects. |
UseInAuditTrailAttribute |
Specifies whether a property takes part in audit. Non-persistent properties also depend on the following property: DevExpress.Persistent.AuditTrail.ObjectAuditProcessor.ExcludeNonPersistentFromAudit .
ValueManager | Represents an auxiliary class used to initializes value managers. |
VisibleInDashboardsAttribute | When applied to a business class, specifies whether end-users can create dashboards for objects of the attribute’s target type. When applied to a business class property, specifies if the target property is visible in the Dashboard Designer. |
VisibleInDetailViewAttribute | Specifies whether the View Item that corresponds to the target business class property is visible in a Detail View. |
VisibleInListViewAttribute | Specifies whether the column that corresponds to the target business class property is initially visible in a List View. |
VisibleInLookupListViewAttribute | Specifies whether the column that corresponds to the target business class property is initially visible in a Lookup Property Editor’s List View. |
VisibleInReportsAttribute | When applied to business classes, specifies whether end-users can create reports on objects of the required class. When applied to a business class property, specifies if the target property is visible in the Report Designer. |
Name | Description |
IAreaInfo | Declares properties of business objects that can be displayed as an area on a vector map using the Maps Module. |
IBaseMapsMarker | The base interface for interfaces declaring properties of business objects that can be displayed on a map using the Maps Module |
IDashboardData | Declares members of the persistent classes used by the Dashboards Module to store dashboards in the application database. |
IFileData | Declares members implemented by the classes that can be represented in a UI using the FileDataPropertyEditor. |
IMapsMarker | Declares properties of business objects that can be displayed on a map using the Maps Module. |
IPermissionPolicyRole | Implemented by business classes specifying a security role that supports the Allow/Deny Permission Policies. |
IPermissionPolicyRoleWithUsers | Implemented by business classes specifying a security user that supports the Allow/Deny Permission Policies and exposes a collection of security roles. |
IPermissionPolicyUser | Implemented by business classes specifying a security user that supports the Allow/Deny Permission Policies. |
ISupportFullName | Declares the property used to store a full path to the file specified by the object which implements the IFileData interface. |
IValueManager<ValueType> | Declares members implemented by value managers. |
IValueManagerBase | Serves as the base interface, from which the IValueManager<ValueType> interface is derived. |
IVectorMapsMarker | Declares properties of business objects that can be displayed as a bubble marker on a vector map using the Maps Module. |
IVectorMapsPieMarker | Declares properties of business objects that can be displayed as a pie chart marker on a vector map using the Maps Module. |
Name | Description |
DataSourcePropertyIsNullMode | Specifies the mode used to populate the data source for a List View displayed in a Lookup Property Editor or List View invoked by the LinkUnlinkController.LinkAction Action in a popup window. |
EmptyEntriesMode | Specifies the behavior of the ObjectFormatter.Format method, when a format item in the string passed to it corresponds to a property that contains a null(Nothing in VB) or empty value. |
ExpandObjectMembers | Specifies whether a reference property is displayed via several separate property editors or via a single Lookup or Object Property Editor. |
ImageEditorMode | Contains values that specify image editor modes for images displayed by Image Property Editors. |
ImageSizeMode | Contains values that specify image size modes for images displayed by Image Property Editors. |
LookupEditorMode | Specifies the mode of a business class property’s Lookup Property Editor. |
MethodActionSelectionDependencyType | Specifies the availability context for an Action which will be generated via the ActionAttribute. |
SecurityPermissionPolicy | Contains values that specify the Security System behavior when there are no explicitly specified permissions for a specific type, object or member. |
SecurityPermissionState | Contains values that specify if access is granted or denied. |
ToolTipIconType | Lists values specifying icon types to be displayed within tooltips. |