DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security Namespace
In This Article
Contains interfaces and classes of the Security System module.
Assemblies: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Xpo.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Xpo, DevExpress.ExpressApp
Name | Description |
Authentication |
An Authentication that assumes an automatic logon. |
Authentication |
An Authentication that assumes an automatic logon. The user name is taken from the currently used Windows account. |
Authentication |
An Authentication that assumes an automatic logon. The user name is taken from the currently used Windows account. |
Authentication |
An abstract base class for Security System authentication types. |
Authentication |
Authentication with an interactive logon. A user inputs logon parameters (for example, username and password) in the logon dialog window. |
Authentication |
An Authentication that assumes an interactive logon. A user inputs logon parameters (e. |
Authentication |
An Authentication that assumes an interactive logon. A user inputs logon parameters (e. |
Authentication |
Authentication |
Logon Parameters type used by default with the Authentication |
Authentication |
Custom |
Arguments, passed to the Authentication |
Customize |
Customize |
Has |
A View |
Intermediate |
Applies to classes. Marks the class as an intermediate in the many-to-many relationship declared with Many |
Is |
Extends the Security |
Lockout |
Contains options that you can use to configure user lockout. |
Member |
An operation Permission for a specific object member. |
Model |
The Operation Permission for using the Model Editor at run time. |
Model |
The Permission request that is intended to determine whether the current user is allowed to use the Model Editor. |
My |
A Window |
Non |
Provides data for the Non |
Object |
An Operation Permission for objects that satisfy a specified criteria. |
Operation |
An abstact base class for Operation Permissions. |
Operation |
The abstract base class for Permission Request classes. |
Permission |
An abstract base class for Permission Request Processors. |
Permission |
Provides extension methods for security roles that support the Allow/Deny Permission Policy, and for type permissions associated with these roles. |
Secured |
An Object Space for XPO-based applications that use the Security System. |
Security |
Applied to business class properties together with the Browsable |
Security |
Security |
The module contained in the DevExpress. |
Security |
Contains options that you can use to configure the Security System. |
Security |
Declares string constants specifying security operation names and their delimiters. |
Security |
Security |
An abstract base class for Security Strategies. |
Security |
The base class for Security |
Security |
A Security Strategy that maintains users who have a list of associated roles. |
Security |
An abstract base class for XAF users. |
Server |
Processes permission requests when the Deny Permission Policy is in use. |
Sign |
Exposes API required for user sign in. Use Dependency Injection to access this class’s instance in a .NET 6+ application. |
Type |
An Operation Permission for all objects of a specified type. |
User |
Exposes API required to manage user objects in the database. Use Dependency Injection to access this class’s instance in a .NET 6+ application. |
Xaf |
Extends the Xaf |
Name | Description |
INonsecured |
Declares the Create |
IOperation |
Declares members implemented by the Operation Permission classes. |
IOperation |
Declares members of a class which provides security permissions associated with it in the Security System with the Deny Permission Policy. |
IPermission |
Declares members implemented by Permission Request classes. |
ISecurity |
Provides access to the Security System in ASP. |
ISecurity |
Provides access to the current user information and allows you to manage its authentication state in ASP. |
ISecurity |
Declares members of a class which is a Security System User. |
ISecurity |
Returns and stores information about user lockout. |
ISecurity |
Returns and stores information about the authentication provider and its user ID. |
ISecurity |
Returns an associated ISecurity |
ISecurity |
Declares members of a class which is a Security System User with a collection of associated Roles. |
Name | Description |
Association |
Contains values specifying the modes of processing security permissions for associations. |
Object |
Contains values specifying access levels to an object. |
Object |
Contains values specifying whether a particular operation is allowed for the objects of a specific type. |
Permissions |
Contains values specifying the modes of reloading the security permissions used by Security Adapters. |
Roles |
Contains values specifying how the Security System determines if a user can perform a specific operation when this user has multiple roles with different permission sets. |