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Getting Started

  • 2 minutes to read
Basic .NET WinForms & Blazor Tutorial (Project Manager)
The Simple Project Manager demo shows how to use XAF to quickly build an ASP.NET Core Blazor and Windows Forms project management application. XAF allows you to get started quickly, because it ships with a rich set of typical line-of-business functionality packed into built-in modules.
In-Depth .NET WinForms & Blazor UI (Employee Manager)
To learn about the majority of XAF features, follow this comprehensive tutorial. It describes how to implement the MainDemo application that ships with XAF (the Blazor version is also available online). In this tutorial, you will learn how to design a complex business model, extend the default functionality, customize the user interface, use extra modules that ship with XAF, and set up the security system. After completing this tutorial, you will be ready to build real-world applications.
.NET REST Backend / Web API Service

This tutorial contains step-by-step instructions on how to create an application with the Backend Web API Service.

You will learn about our 1-Click Solution for CRUD REST API Services with ASP.NET Core, OData, Swagger, Entity Framework Core, or XPO ORM. Our Web API Service creates URLs (endpoints) that allow you to perform CRUD operations from your non-XAF UI applications (for instance, .NET MAUI, JavaScript or Blazor clients).

Video Tutorials & Overview
Browse video content from our MVPs and evangelists to get a better understanding of XAF usage and functionality.


We recommend starting all new projects with .NET and using Entity Framework Core for data access. For additional information, refer to the following topic: Why We Recommend EF Core over XPO for New Development.