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.NET 6.0+

XafApplication.DetailViewCreating Event

Occurs when creating a Detail View.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public event EventHandler<DetailViewCreatingEventArgs> DetailViewCreating

Event Data

The DetailViewCreating event's data class is DetailViewCreatingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
EnableDelayedObjectLoading For internal use. Use the DetailView.UseAsyncLoading field instead of this property.
IsRoot Indicates whether a root View must be created. Inherited from ViewCreatingEventArgs.
Obj Returns the object that represents a current object for the Detail View to be the created.
ObjectSpace Returns the Object Space to be used when creating a new View. Inherited from ViewCreatingEventArgs.
View Specifies the Detail View which is created in the XafApplication.DetailViewCreating event.
ViewID Returns the ID of the created View. Inherited from ViewCreatingEventArgs.


Handle this event to provide a custom Detail View instead of a default one. Use the handler’s ViewCreatingEventArgs.ViewID parameter to get information on the created Detail View. To do this use the application’s XafApplication.FindModelView method passing the View ID as a parameter. To specify the Detail View’s current object use the handler’s DetailViewCreatingEventArgs.Obj parameter. Create the Detail View in the Object Space passed as the handler’s ViewCreatingEventArgs.ObjectSpace parameter.

The following example demonstrates how to handle the DetailViewCreating event to select a DetailView model based on properties of a displayed object:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
// using MainDemo.Module.BusinessObjects;

public class EmployeeDetailViewModelController : WindowController {
    public EmployeeDetailViewModelController() {
        TargetWindowType = WindowType.Main;
    protected override void OnActivated() {
        Application.DetailViewCreating += Application_DetailViewCreating;
    private void Application_DetailViewCreating(object sender, DetailViewCreatingEventArgs e) {
        if (e.ViewID == "Employee_DetailView" && e.Obj is Employee employee && employee.Position?.Title == "Manager") {
            e.ViewID = "Employee_DetailView_Manager";
    protected override void OnDeactivated() {
        Application.DetailViewCreating -= Application_DetailViewCreating;


If DetailView.UseAsyncLoading is set to true, note the following:

  • when you open a Detail View from the Navigation, the DetailViewCreatingEventArgs.Obj argument of the DetailViewCreating event is set to null;
  • when you open a Detail View from a List View (by double-clicking a record or using the OpenObject Action), the DetailViewCreatingEventArgs.Obj argument of the DetailViewCreating event is set to the object from the List View’s Object Space.
See Also