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.NET 6.0+

DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors Namespace

Contains interfaces and base classes for Property Editors used in the XAF to display business object properties in a UI.

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


Name Description
ActionContainerViewItem An abstract class that serves as the base class for the Action Container View Items.
ColumnsListEditor Represents the base class for built-in grid-like List Editors.
CriteriaOptionsAttribute Indicates that the target string property stores a filter criterion.
DashboardViewItem Represents a View Item that displays a View in a nested Frame.
EditorDescriptorsFactory Provides helper methods used to register View Items, Property Editors, List Editors and their alias names.
ListEditor Represents the base class for List Editors.
ListEditorAttribute Applied to a custom List Editor. Registers the List Editor in the application and specifies the object type for which the List Editor is intended.
ModelRegisteredViewItemsGenerator A Nodes Generator that generates the content of the IModelRegisteredViewItems node.
PropertyEditor A base class for Property Editors.
PropertyEditorAttribute Applied to a custom Property Editor. Registers the Property Editor in the application and specifies the data type for which the Property Editor is intended.
StaticImage An abstract class representing a View Item that displays a static image.
StaticText An abstract class that serves as the base class for the Static Text View Items.
ViewItem Represents a base class for View Items.
ViewItemAttribute Applied to a custom View Item. Registers the View Item in the application and specifies the type of the Application Model‘s node used by the custom View Item.


Name Description
IAppearanceEnabled Declares members implemented by the UI elements that can be disabled or enabled by a conditional appearance rule.
IAppearanceFormat Declares members implemented by the UI elements that can be formatted by a conditional appearance rule.
IAppearanceVisibility Declares members implemented by the UI elements that can be made invisible or visible by a conditional appearance rule.
IComplexControl Implemented by controls that have access to the Object Space of the current View and to the XafApplication object.
IComplexListEditor Declares members implemented by a List Editor to support receiving information on the application and Collection Source of the List View that uses the List Editor.
IComplexViewItem Declares members implemented by View Items that have access to the XafApplication object and IObjectSpace of the current View.
IModelRegisteredPropertyEditor The PropertyEditor node specifies the Property Editor type, for a particular data type. This Property Editor will be used in a UI by default for properties of this data type.
IModelRegisteredPropertyEditors The PropertyEditors node represents a map of data types and Property Editors registered in an Application Model.
IModelRegisteredViewItem A ViewItem node specifies a particular View Item type to be used in a UI by default.
IModelRegisteredViewItems The ViewItems node specifies View Items to be used in a Detail View.
INotifyAppearanceVisibilityChanged Implemented by View Items that send a notification after changing their visibility state.


Name Description
EditorAliases Identifies built-in XAF editor aliases.


Name Description
EditMaskType Declares edit mask type for Property Editors.
StaticHorizontalAlign Declares values which specify horizontal content positions within a layout item.
StaticVerticalAlign Declares values which specify vertical content positions within a layout item.
ViewEditMode Contains values that specify the display mode for an XAF UI element in an ASP.NET Web Forms application.
ViewItemVisibility Contains values specifying the visibility of UI elements affected by a conditional appearance rule.