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.NET 6.0+

XafApplication.Setup(String, IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>, ApplicationModulesManager, ISecurityStrategyBase) Method

Initializes the newly created XafApplication class instance.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public void Setup(
    string applicationName,
    IList<IObjectSpaceProvider> objectSpaceProviders,
    ApplicationModulesManager modulesManager,
    ISecurityStrategyBase security


Name Type Description
applicationName String

A string value that is the application’s name. This value is assigned to the XafApplication.ApplicationName property.

objectSpaceProviders IList<IObjectSpaceProvider>

An IList<IObjectSpaceProvider> list used to initialize the XafApplication.ObjectSpaceProviders property and then used to create Object Spaces (see BaseObjectSpace).

modulesManager DevExpress.ExpressApp.ApplicationModulesManager

An ApplicationModulesManager object that has a module list, and provides access to the Controllers Manager, View Items Manager, Application Model and model difference storages.

security ISecurityStrategyBase

The ISecurityStrategyBase object that is the Security Strategy that will be used in the application.

See Also