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DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.SystemModule Namespace

Contains classes used by default in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor


Name Description
BlazorExportController The ASP.NET Core Blazor-specific descendant of the ExportController class.
BlazorModificationsController Inherits from the ModificationsController to implement ASP.NET Core Blazor specific behavior.
BlazorNewObjectViewController A NewObjectViewController descendant that allows you to customize the New Action in Detail Views.
CloseDetailViewController A ViewController descendant that allows you to customize the Close Action in Detail Views.
GridExportEventArgs Stores data for the CustomizeGridExport and GridExported events.
ListEditorInplaceEditController A ViewController descendant that allows you to customize inplace editing behavior.
PopupWindowTemplateClosingController A WindowController descendant that allows you to control the Close button visibility in a pop-up window.
PopupWindowTemplateSizeController A WindowController descendant that allows you to control drag and resize settings of a pop-up window.


Name Description
IModelActionBlazor Used to extend the Application Model‘s IModelAction node.
IModelColumnBlazor Implements the interface of a Grid column in Blazor applications.
IModelListViewBlazor Used to extend the Application Model‘s Views node.
IModelListViewTreeListBlazor Used to extend the Application Model‘s Views node.
IModelOptionsBlazor Used to extend the Application Model‘s Options node.
IModelTabbedGroupBlazor Extends IModelTabbedGroup with properties specific to ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
IModelViewLayoutElementBlazor Used to extend the IModelViewLayoutElement interface.


Name Description
InlineEditMode Lists values that specify how users edit list view data.