DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.SystemModule Namespace
Contains classes used by default in XAF ASP.NET Core Blazor applications.
Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Blazor
Name | Description |
BlazorExportController | The ASP.NET Core Blazor-specific descendant of the ExportController class. |
BlazorModificationsController | Inherits from the ModificationsController to implement ASP.NET Core Blazor specific behavior. |
BlazorNewObjectViewController | A NewObjectViewController descendant that allows you to customize the New Action in Detail Views. |
CloseDetailViewController | A ViewController descendant that allows you to customize the Close Action in Detail Views. |
GridExportEventArgs | Stores data for the CustomizeGridExport and GridExported events. |
GridExportEventArgsBase | |
GridExportEventArgsBase<T> | |
ListEditorInplaceEditController | A ViewController descendant that allows you to customize inplace editing behavior. |
PopupWindowTemplateClosingController | A WindowController descendant that allows you to control the Close button visibility in a pop-up window. |
PopupWindowTemplateSizeController | A WindowController descendant that allows you to control drag and resize settings of a pop-up window. |
Name | Description |
IModelActionBlazor | Used to extend the Application Model‘s IModelAction node. |
IModelColumnBlazor | Implements the interface of a Grid column in Blazor applications. |
IModelListViewBlazor | Used to extend the Application Model‘s Views node. |
IModelListViewTreeListBlazor | Used to extend the Application Model‘s Views node. |
IModelOptionsBlazor | Used to extend the Application Model‘s Options node. |
IModelTabbedGroupBlazor | Extends IModelTabbedGroup with properties specific to ASP.NET Core Blazor applications. |
IModelViewLayoutElementBlazor | Used to extend the IModelViewLayoutElement interface. |
Name | Description |
InlineEditMode | Lists values that specify how users edit list view data. |