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DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.ApplicationBuilder Namespace

In This Article

Contains classes and interfaces that allow you to configure your WinForms application in the fluent API-based application builder.

Assemblies: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Chart.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotGrid.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.ScriptRecorder.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.EFCore.Extensions.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Xpo.Extensions.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.ExpressApp.AuditTrail.Xpo, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Chart.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Dashboards.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.FileAttachment.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Kpi, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Notifications.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Office.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotChart.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.PivotGrid.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.ScriptRecorder.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.EFCore.Extensions.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Xpo.Extensions.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.TreeListEditors.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Validation.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win, DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Design


Name Description
AuditTrailXpoApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Audit Trail Module (XPO) to your application.
AzureAdAuthenticationOptions Contains authentication settings for Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory).
AzureADWinAuthenticationExtensions static Allows you to add the capability to authenticate a user with a Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) account to a WinForms application.
ChartsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Charts Module to your application.
DashboardsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Dashboards Module to your application.
EFCoreMiddleTierSecurityEvents Stores handlers for EF Core Middle Tier Security events.
EFCoreMiddleTierSecurityExtensions static Extends the IWinSecurityBuilder interface with methods to configure EF Core Middle Tier Security.
EFCoreMiddleTierSecurityOptions Contains options that you can use to configure EF Core Middle Tier Security.
FileAttachmentsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the File Attachments Module to your application.
KpiApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the KPI Module to your application.
MiddleTierAuthenticationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IMiddleTierAuthenticationBuilder interface with methods to configure Middle Tier Security authentication in your application.
MiddleTierSecurityEvents Stores handlers for XPO Middle Tier Security events.
MiddleTierSecurityExtensions static Extends the IWinSecurityBuilder interface with methods to configure XPO Middle Tier Security.
MiddleTierSecurityOptions Contains options that you can use to configure XPO Middle Tier Security.
NotificationsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Notifications Module to your application.
OfficeApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Office Module to your application.
PivotChartApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Pivot Chart Module to your application.
PivotGridApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Pivot Grid Module to your application.
ReportsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Reports V2 Module to your application.
SchedulerApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Scheduler Module to your application.
ScriptRecorderApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Script Recorder Module to your application.
TreeListEditorsApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Tree List Editors Module to your application.
ValidationApplicationBuilderExtensions static Extends the IModuleBuilder<TContext> interface with a method to add the Validation Module to your application.
WinAuthenticationBuilderExtensions static Allows you to enable external (non-XAF) authentication providers in a WinForms application.
WinExternalAuthenticationBuilder A builder that allows you to enable external (non-XAF) authentication providers in a WinForms application.
WinSecurityBuilderExtensions static Extends the IWinAuthenticationBuilder interface with methods to configure authentication in your application.


Name Description
IMiddleTierAuthenticationBuilder The fluent API-based builder that allows you to configure XPO Middle Tier Security in your WinForms application.
IWinApplicationBuilder The fluent API-based application builder that allows you to configure your WinForms application (add extra Modules, enable the Security System, and so on).
IWinAuthenticationBuilder The fluent API-based builder that allows you to configure the Security System in Integrated Mode in your WinForms application.
IWinSecurityBuilder The fluent API-based builder that allows you to configure the Security System in your WinForms application.