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XRChart Events

A Chart control.
Name Description
AfterPrint Occurs after an XRControl object is displayed in the report. Inherited from XRControl.
AxisScaleChanged Occurs when the scale mode, measure unit, grid alignment or grid spacing of the axis scale has been changed.
AxisVisualRangeChanged Occurs when the axis visual range has been changed.
AxisWholeRangeChanged Occurs when the axis whole range has been changed.
BeforePrint Occurs before an XRControl object creates its image in a report being generated. Inherited from XRControl.
BoundDataChanged Occurs every time a chart control generates its series points from the underlying data source.
CustomDrawAxisLabel Occurs before an axis label is drawn when the chart’s content is being drawn.
CustomDrawCrosshair Occurs before crosshair items are drawn when the chart’s contents are being drawn.
CustomDrawSeries Occurs before a series is drawn when the chart’s contents are being drawn.
CustomDrawSeriesPoint Occurs before a series point is drawn when the chart’s contents is being drawn.
CustomizeAutoBindingSettings Occurs when applying automatic data source settings to a Chart that is linked to a Pivot Grid.
CustomizeLegend Obsolete. Occurs before automatic settings are applied to the legend‘s layout properties.
CustomizePieTotalLabel Occurs before the pie total label is painted.
CustomizeResolveOverlappingMode Obsolete. Occurs before an automatic setting is applied to the overlap resolving mode of series labels.
CustomizeSimpleDiagramLayout Occurs before automatic settings are applied to the Simple Diagram‘s layout properties.
CustomizeStackedBarTotalLabel Occurs before a stacked bar total label is painted.
CustomizeXAxisLabels Obsolete. Occurs after automatic layout settings are applied to the X-axis’ labels.
CustomPaint Allows you to draw custom graphics on top of the chart.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
Draw Occurs when an XRControl object is drawn or redrawn in a report’s Print Preview. Inherited from XRControl.
EvaluateBinding Occurs after a data-bound XRControl object obtains data from its data source. Inherited from XRControl.
HtmlItemCreated Occurs when a new item used for a Web representation of the control is created. Inherited from XRControl.
LocationChanged Occurs when the value of the XRControl.LocationF property is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
ParentChanged Occurs when the XRControl instance’s parent is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
PieSeriesPointExploded Fires when a pie slice, representing a series point, is moved to or from the pie center.
PivotChartingCustomizeLegend Occurs before automatic settings are applied to the legend‘s layout properties.
PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode Occurs before an automatic setting is applied to the overlap resolving mode of series labels.
PivotChartingCustomizeXAxisLabels Occurs after automatic layout settings are applied to the X-axis’ labels.
PivotGridSeriesExcluded Occurs after a chart has been bound to a Pivot Grid.
PivotGridSeriesPointsExcluded Occurs after a chart has been bound to a Pivot Grid.
PreviewClick Occurs when the mouse button is clicked while the cursor is hovering over one of the bricks created by the XRControl for its representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewDoubleClick Occurs when the left mouse button is double-clicked while the cursor is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseDown Occurs when an end-user presses the mouse button while the mouse pointer is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseMove Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the control during the report’s preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PreviewMouseUp Occurs when an end-user releases the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is hovering over one of the bricks created for the control‘s representation in the report preview. Inherited from XRControl.
PrintOnPage Occurs when the representation of a control is printed on the current page of the report. Inherited from XRControl.
SizeChanged Occurs when the value of the XRControl.SizeF property is changed. Inherited from XRControl.
SmallChartTextShowing Occurs when the size of the control is not sufficient to display a readable chart.
TextChanged This event is not available for the XRChart class.
See Also