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DXGoogleCalendarSync Properties

A component that provides synchronization between a SchedulerControl and a Google Calendar. See Google Calendars for more details.
Name Description
CalendarId Gets or sets the CalendarListEntry.ID property of a Google Calendar, whose events should be synchronized with Scheduler Appointments.
CalendarService Gets or sets a Google Calendar Service required to access Google Events.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
CustomFieldETagPropertyName Gets or sets the name of an appointment custom field that stores Google Event ETag.
CustomFieldIdPropertyName Gets or sets the name of an appointment custom field that stores Google Event ID.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
StateTrackingMode Gets or sets whether the DXGoogleCalendarSync component should automatically write session information to an XML file.
Storage Gets or sets a SchedulerControl‘s storage whose Appointments should be synchronized with a Google Calendar.
See Also