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AppointmentImageInfoCollection.Images Property

Gets or sets the source of images that can be displayed within appointments.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Drawing

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Scheduler


public object Images { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

An object that provides images for appointments.


Each appointment can show one or more images according to its state. Every image is represented via a AppointmentImageInfo object. The image for an object is obtained from the Images collection according to the AppointmentImageInfoCore.ImageIndex property’s value.

The Images property accepts the following image collections:


The following example handles the SchedulerControl.InitAppointmentImages event to display a custom image within the exception appointment.

The image below shows the result:

InitAppointmentImages event

using DevExpress.XtraScheduler;
using DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Drawing;
// ...

private void schedulerControl1_InitAppointmentImages(object sender, AppointmentImagesEventArgs e) {
    if(e.Appointment.IsException) {
        AppointmentImageInfo info = new AppointmentImageInfo();
        info.Image = SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap();
See Also