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DiagramOptionsProtection Properties

Contains settings that allow you to restrict specific end-user actions.
Name Description
AllowAddRemoveItems Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to add and remove diagram items from the canvas.
AllowApplyAutomaticLayout Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to apply the Automatic Layout.
AllowApplyAutomaticLayoutForSubordinates Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to apply the Automatic Layout.
AllowAttachDetachConnectors Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the connector’s starting and ending items.
AllowChangeCanvasSizeMode Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the canvas size mode in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeConnectorsRoute Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to manually reroute connectors.
AllowChangeConnectorsType Gets or sets whether to allow end-users to change the connector type in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeContainerHeaderPadding Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the header’s padding within the container’s boundaries in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeContainerHeaderVisibility Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the container header’s visibility.
AllowChangeContainerPadding Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the container’s padding in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeContainerStyle Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the container style in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeGridVisibility Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the visibility of grid lines on the Canvas in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeImage Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the source image of an image item.
AllowChangeImageStretchMode Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the stretch mode for an image item in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeItemBackground Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the diagram item’s background color in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeItemStroke Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the diagram item’s stroke color in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeItemStyle Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the diagram item’s style in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeItemZOrder Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the item’s Z-order in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeLineJumpSettings Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the line jump settings in the Page Setup Dialog Window.
AllowChangePageBreaksVisibility Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the visibility of page breaks in the Ribbon.
AllowChangePageParameters Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the page parameters in the Page Setup Dialog Window.
AllowChangeRulerVisibility Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the visibility of grid rulers in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeShapesParameter Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to transform shapes by dragging the transformation handles.
AllowChangeTextFont Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the text font settings in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeTextForeground Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the text foreground in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeTextHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the text horizontal alignment in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeTextVerticalAlignment Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the text vertical alignment in the Ribbon.
AllowChangeTheme Gets or sets whether to allow end-users to select the diagram theme in the Ribbon.
AllowCollapseContainers Specifies whether to display the expand/collapse button for all containers.
AllowCopyItems Gets or sets whether to allow end-users to copy diagram items.
AllowEditItems Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to enter the text editing mode.
AllowFlipImage Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to apply the flip effect to an image item in the Ribbon.
AllowMoveItems Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to move diagram items by dragging with the mouse or pressing the arrow keys.
AllowResizeItems Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to resize items by dragging selection handles.
AllowRotateItems Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to rotate items by dragging the rotation handle.
AllowUndoRedo Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to perform the undo/redo operations.
AllowZoom Gets or sets whether to allow the end-user to change the diagram zoom factor.
IsReadOnly Specifies whether to set all DiagramOptionsProtection properties to false by default.
See Also