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DiagramControl.ApplyTipOverTreeLayoutForSubordinates(IEnumerable<DiagramItem>, TipOverTreeLayoutSettings) Method

Applies the tip-over tree layout to the subordinates of the specified diagram items.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraDiagram

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraDiagram.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Diagram


public void ApplyTipOverTreeLayoutForSubordinates(
    IEnumerable<DiagramItem> items,
    TipOverTreeLayoutSettings settings


Name Type Description
items IEnumerable<DiagramItem>

A collection of diagram items whose subordinates will be repositioned.

settings TipOverTreeLayoutSettings

An object that contains the tip-over tree layout settings.


Use the ApplyTipOverTreeLayoutForSubordinates method to reposition subordinates of diagram items. The items specified by the items parameter will maintain their positions.

See Also