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BaseGallery Methods

Represents a base class for galleries.
Name Description
AddAnimation(ImageLoadInfo) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Assign(BaseGallery) Assigns all GalleryItems, displayed within the specific BaseGallery to the current BaseGallery.
BeginUpdate() Locks the BaseGallery, preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called.
CancelUpdate() Unlocks the BaseGallery object after it has been locked by the BeginUpdate method, without causing an immediate visual update.
ClearHoverImagePopupForms() static
CreateFrom(BaseGallery) Copies contents and settings from the specified gallery to the current gallery.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Destroy() Destroys gallery items and clears gallery group collection.
DestroyItems() Destroys gallery items that belong to the current gallery.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the BaseGallery object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ForceItemRefresh(ImageLoadInfo) This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
GetAllItems() Returns a list containing all gallery items that belong to the current gallery.
GetAllowHoverAnimation() static Returns whether animation on hovering gallery items is actually enabled.
GetCheckedItem() Returns the checked (selected) gallery item (if only one item is selected).
GetCheckedItems() Returns a list containing the currently checked (selected) gallery items.
GetCheckedItemsCount() Returns the total number of currently checked gallery items.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetItemByCaption(String) Returns an item that has the specified caption.
GetItemByValue(Object) Gets a GalleryItem that matches the specific value.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVisibleItems() Returns a list containing visible gallery items.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Invalidate() Invalidates the region which is occupied by the gallery.
Invalidate(GalleryItem) Invalidates the region which is occupied by the specified Gallery item.
Invalidate(Rectangle) Invaldates the specified region of the current BaseGallery object.
LayoutChanged() Recalculates all the graphical information of the gallery.
MakeVisible(GalleryItem) Makes the specified gallery item visible onscreen, if it’s hidden due to scrolling.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
RaiseGetLoadingImage(GetLoadingImageEventArgs) Raises the BaseGallery.GetLoadingImage event with specific arguments.
RaiseGetThumbnailImage(ThumbnailImageEventArgs) Raises the BaseGallery.GetThumbnailImage event with specific arguments.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RefreshGallery() Recalculates all the graphical information of the gallery.
ScrollTo(GalleryItem, Boolean, VertAlignment) Scrolls the gallery (with or without an animation effect) making the specified gallery item visible at a specific position.
ScrollTo(GalleryItem, Boolean) Scrolls the gallery (with or without an animation effect) making the specified item visible.
ScrollTo(GalleryItemGroup, Boolean, VertAlignment) Scrolls the gallery (with or without an animation effect) making the specified gallery group visible at a specific position.
ScrollTo(GalleryItemGroup, Boolean) Scrolls the gallery (with or without an animation effect) making the specified gallery group visible.
SetItemCheck(GalleryItem, Boolean, Boolean) Checks or unchecks the specified item, while allowing you to specify whether the previously checked items should be unchecked.
SetItemCheck(GalleryItem, Boolean) Checks or unchecks the specified item. If multiple item checking is enabled and the CTRL or SHIFT key is currently pressed, the SetItemCheck method doesn’t uncheck the previously checked items. Otherwise, these items are unchecked.
ToString() Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component.
See Also