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ExcelDataSourceUIHelper.EditDataSource Method

Name Parameters Description
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource, EditDataSourceContext) static dataSource, context Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource, IWizardRunnerContext, IExcelSchemaProvider) static dataSource, context, excelSchemaProvider Obsolete. Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource, UserLookAndFeel, IWin32Window, IExcelSchemaProvider) static dataSource, lookAndFeel, owner, excelSchemaProvider Obsolete. Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource, UserLookAndFeel, IWin32Window) static dataSource, lookAndFeel, owner Obsolete. Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource, UserLookAndFeel) static dataSource, lookAndFeel Obsolete. Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource(ExcelDataSource) static dataSource Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.
EditDataSource<TModel>(ExcelDataSource, EditDataSourceContext, Action<IWizardCustomization<TModel>>) static dataSource, context, customizeWizard Invokes the Excel Data Source Editor with the specified settings.