SmartAutoCompleteBehavior.Properties Property
Gets Smart Autocomplete behavior settings.
Namespace: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms
Assembly: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms
Property Value
Type | Description |
SmartAutoCompleteBehaviorProperties | Behavior settings. |
Use the TypingPauseDelay setting to specify a delay, in milliseconds. Once the user stops typing, the extension waits for the specified delay before executing an AI action.
using DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms;
namespace SmartAutoCompleteDemo {
public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
public Form1() {
behaviorManager1.Attach<SmartAutoCompleteBehavior>(memoEdit1, behavior => {
behavior.Properties.TypingPauseDelay = 200;
Read the following help topic for additional information and examples: Smart Autocomplete.
See Also