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GanttView.ScheduleAll() Method

In This Article

Schedules all the tasks within the GanttControl.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Gantt.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Gantt


public void ScheduleAll()


The GanttControl recalculates related task positions and updates the summary task positions, durations, and progress when you change a task’s start date, progress, or duration.

Gantt automatic

This functionality is available via the following API:

Member Description
AllowSchedulingOnEditing If enabled, the control re-schedules tasks after each change.
GanttView.ScheduleMode A schedule mode (Forward or Backward) that specifies how the GanttControl recalculates task properties.
ScheduleTask / ScheduleDependentTasks Call these methods to re-schedule tasks on demand if the previous option is disabled.
ScheduleAll Call this method to re-schedule all the Gantt tasks.
TasksScheduled This event allows you to rollback changes if they create invalid links.
See Also