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Member Table: Item Clicking and Selecting

  • 2 minutes to read


Property (Methods) Description

Gets or sets a value specifying whether items can be selected. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether disabled items are allowed to be selected. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets a value specifying whether each group can have a selected item. This is a dependency property.


Gets a value that specifies whether the item is selected. This is a dependency property.

NavBarControl.SelectedItem Gets or sets the NavBarItem currently selected within this NavBarControl.
NavBarControl.SelectedItems Gets or sets the collection of NavBarItems currently selected within this NavBarControl.

Gets or sets an object representing the group’s selected item. This is a dependency property.


Gets or sets a value specifying the index of the group’s selected item. This is a dependency property.


Property (Methods) Description
NavBarViewBase.Click Fires immediately after an end-user performs a click within the view.
NavBarItem.Click Fires immediately after an end-user has clicked a group item.
NavBarGroup.Click Fires immediately after an end-user clicks the current group’s header.
NavBarViewBase.ItemSelecting Fires before an item is selected.
NavBarViewBase.ItemSelected Fires immediately after an item has been selected.
NavBarItem.Select Fires when a NavBarItem is selected.


Property (Methods) Description
NavBarCommands.SelectItem Selects the specified item.
NavBarItem.Command Gets or sets the command to invoke when the NavBar item is clicked.