Visual Elements
- 2 minutes to read
This section enumerates all Navigation Bar visual elements. Each document contains a detailed description for the related element and a list of properties, methods and events that affect this element.
#Group Elements
Contains visual elements displayed by navigation bar groups.
Displays information about the corresponding group’s content. Can show the group caption and group image.
An image within the group header that helps end-users visually differentiate groups.
Buttons that allow end-users to expand and collapse groups. Displayed only for the Explorer Bar View.
#Item Elements
Contains visual elements displayed by navigation bar items.
Items are clickable elements that can display an image and any content (typically, a text string).
An icon displayed by a Navigation Bar item.
#Common View Elements
Contains visual elements that can be displayed by any navigation bar view.
Buttons that scroll the Navigation Bar itself or its currently expanded group.
#Navigation Pane Elements
Enumerates visual elements provided specifically by the Navigation Pane View.
Illustrates visual elements related to the Navigation Pane in its expanded state.
Illustrates visual elements related to the Navigation Pane in its collapsed state.
A heading section at the top of the Navigation Bar that displays the currently active group’s header information, such as group caption and image.
The button that allows end-users to expand and collapse the Navigation Pane.
The splitter is displayed above all visible group headers. End-users can drag it to show more or fewer group headers.
Navigation Pane Visible Group Headers (Group Button Panel)
Contains headers for groups that are not currently active (expanded).
Navigation Pane Overflow Panel
An element that displays icons for hidden Navigation Bar groups. Also, contains a button that invokes the customization menu.
Navigation Pane Customization Menu
Allows end-users to change the number of visible group headers, and to toggle the visibility of groups.