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TdxSpreadSheetAreaList.AssignFromString(string) Method

Populates the list with cell ranges generated from a delimited string of references.


procedure AssignFromString(const S: string);


Name Type Description
S string

The source string with delimited cell range references in A1 format.


Call the AssignFromString procedure to populate or re-populate the list with cell ranges generated from A1-style references listed in a string passed as the S parameter.

The AssignFromString procedure:

  • Clears the current list.
  • Splits up the specified string into individual cell and/or cell range references, provided that the references are delimited by the ValueSeparator constant value.
  • Populates the list with cell ranges corresponding to the parsed references.

You can call the ToString function to perform a reverse operation, creating a delimited string of references from all cell ranges within the list.

See Also