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TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner.Build(TdxCustomSpreadSheet) Method

Builds a report based on the displayed template and the bound dataset(s).


procedure Build(ADestination: TdxCustomSpreadSheet);


Name Type
ADestination TdxCustomSpreadSheet


Call this procedure to generate a spreadsheet report document within a Spreadsheet control (an instance of the TdxCustomSpreadSheet class descendant) passed as the ADestination parameter.

Calling the Build procedure raises the OnProgress event a number of times equal to the record count in the Report Designer’s bound master dataset, allowing you to track the progress of building simple and master-detail reports.

The resulting report can be built on a single worksheet, multiple worksheets, or even multiple spreadsheet controls (passed in the OnNewDocument event handler), depending on the Options.ReportMode property value.


Calling the Build procedure sets the RebuildNeeded property to False.

See Also