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TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner.OnNewDocument Event

Enables you to provide multiple spreadsheet controls as report building destinations.


property OnNewDocument: TdxSpreadSheetReportDesignerNewDocumentEvent read; write;


This event is fired every time the Report Designer finishes building a previous section of the master-detail report, provided that the Options.ReportMode property is set to rmMultipleDocuments.

The Sender parameter specifies the Report Designer control that contains the master-detail report template.

Pass a new Spreadsheet control (a TdxCustomSpreadSheet descendant instance) in the OnNewDocument event handler as the destination document for building a detail section following the next master dataset row:

procedure TfrmMasterDetail.ReportDesignerNewDocument(Sender: TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner; var ADestination: TdxCustomSpreadSheet);
  APreview: TfrmPreview;  // A report preview form
  APreviewCaptionPrefix: string;
  APreview := TfrmPreview.Create(nil);  // Create a new preview form
  APreviewCaptionPrefix := 'Report Preview';
  ADestination := APreview.ssResult;  // The preview form class has a TdxSpreadSheet component
  ADestination.ClearAll;  // Remove all worksheets from the destination Spreadsheet control on a newly created report window
  APreview.Caption := APreviewCaptionPrefix + ' : MasterRecordIndex = ' + IntToStr(Sender.DataBinding.DataController.FocusedRowIndex);  // Add a master record index to each report preview window
  APreview.Show;  // Display a new report window
  APreview.Left := APreview.Left + Sender.DataBinding.DataController.FocusedRowIndex * 30;  // Shift each new report window right by 30 pixels
  APreview.Top := APreview.Top + Sender.DataBinding.DataController.FocusedRowIndex * 30;  // Shift each new report window down by 30 pixels

As a result, each detail section is displayed in its own Spreadsheet control on multiple forms:


The first report document (whose master record index is 0) in rmMultipleDocuments mode is created as the result of calling the Build procedure, prior to the first OnNewDocument event occurrence.

See Also