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TdxSpreadSheetReportDesigner.SetFooterSection(TRect) Method

Adds the common footer section to the displayed report template.


procedure SetFooterSection(const ABounds: TRect);


Name Type
ABounds TRect


Call this procedure to create new or redefine an existing common footer section in the displayed report template. The footer section occupies a cell range whose dimensions (in cells) and position within the report template are passed as the ABounds parameter. The resulting footer is common to all the data in the built report.

If the entire report content fits into a single worksheet, the footer ends the report, following the last detail section:

Otherwise, the footer follows the last detail section on each worksheet or spreadsheet document constituting the report:

The actual position of the footer section within the resulting report depends on the OptionsReport.Orientation property value.

To allow end-users to define the common footer template section, link the FooterSection command to an element of your UI.


To create a footer for grouped dataset records, call the SetGroupFooterSection procedure.

See Also