TdxSpreadSheetShowDefinedNameManager Class
Implements the ShowDefinedNameManager command available for a spreadsheet control.
TdxSpreadSheetShowDefinedNameManager = class(
This class does not introduce any new public members. Its overridden Execute function invokes the Name Manager dialog.
UI elements linked to a TdxSpreadSheetShowDefinedNameManager action object are enabled only if the following conditions are met:
Spreadsheet document edit operations are allowed (that is, the control’s OptionsBehavior.Editing property is set to True).
An in-place cell editor is inactive (the active worksheet’s IsEditing property returns False).
The ShowDefinedNameManager command invokes the “Name Manager” dialog in read-only mode if the active worksheet is protected (that is, its OptionsProtection.Protected property is set to True).
To localize the caption of UI elements linked to a TdxSpreadSheetShowDefinedNameManager action object, use the sdxSpreadSheetActionShowDefinedNameManagerCaption resource string.