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TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize Class

An action object that implements the sChangeFontSize end-user command in Spreadsheet and Report Designer-based applications.


TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize = class(


This class does not introduce any new public members. The command implemented as the TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize action object is designed for use in a Ribbon or Toolbar UI by a TcxComboBox item control.

VCL SpreadSheet: A Combo Box

Executing a TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize action object by clicking an item in the linked TcxComboBox UI element changes the font size used to display:

  • The values in all selected cells.
  • The text selection within an in-place cell editor (only if the rich content formatting functionality is enabled in the Spreadsheet/Report Designer control).

VCL SpreadSheet: A Change Font Size Example

Handle the TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontColor action object’s OnExecute event to provide custom implementation of the ChangeFontSize command’s functionality, which is useful if you need to use it with a custom client control instead of TcxComboBox. Refer to the following code example re-implementing the command’s capability to apply a specific font size to the current cell selection:

procedure TSpreadSheetControlForm.dxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize1Execute(Sender: TObject);
  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  ACell: TdxSpreadSheetCell;
  I, J, K: Integer;  // Counters
  ATableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;
  if(ATableView.Selection.Count > 0) then
    ATableView.BeginUpdate;  // Stops worksheet repainting until the new font size is applied to all affected cells
    for I := 0 to ATableView.Selection.Count - 1 do  // Cycles through all selected cell ranges
      for J := ATableView.Selection.Items[I].Left to ATableView.Selection.Items[I].Right do  // Cycles through all columns within one selected cell area
        for K := ATableView.Selection.Items[I].Top to ATableView.Selection.Items[I].Bottom do  // Cycles through all rows within one selected cell area
          ACell := ATableView.CreateCell(K, J);  // Obtains every cell object within one selected area
          ACell.Style.Font.Size := 16;  // Here you can specify any font size instead of 16
    ATableView.EndUpdate;  // Enables worksheet repainting to display the pending changes

UI elements linked to a TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize action object are enabled only if the following conditions are met:

If cell selection is disallowed in the protected worksheet (i.e., its OptionsProtection.ActualAllowSelectUnlockedCells property returns False), executing the TdxSpreadSheetChangeFontSize action object has no effect.

See Also