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TdxSkinImageSet Type

Enumerates available skin element draw modes for bitmap-based skins.


TdxSkinImageSet = cxLookAndFeels.TdxSkinImageSet;

Referenced Class



Options include:

Value Description
imsDefault The skin element draw mode depends on the application settings and software environment. The skin engine creates linear gradients from a skin element’s AlternateImage~ settings in low-color modes and on terminal systems.
imsOriginal The skin engine uses a bitmap to draw a skin element. The element’s Image settings affect the result.
imsAlternate The skin engine calculates a simple linear gradient to draw a skin element. The element’s AlternateImage~ settings determine the gradient colors and direction. You can preview and edit gradient settings at the Additional tab of the Element editor pane in the Skin Editor.

Direct TdxSkinImageSet Type References

The following public API members reference the TdxSkinImageSet type:

Specifies the active image draw mode for the skinning engine.
See Also