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TdxOfficeImage Members

A universal image container compatible with various document file formats.


Name Description
Create Inherited from TGraphic.
CreateFromBitmap(TBitmap) Creates a Smart Image container and populates it with the specified bitmap. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,Boolean) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromBits(Integer,Integer,PRGBQuad,TAlphaFormat) Creates a new Smart Image container and populates it with the specified array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromFile(string) Creates a new Smart Image container and loads the specified image file. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromHBitmap(HBITMAP) Creates a Smart Image container and populates it with a TBitmap from the specified handle. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateFromStream(TStream) Creates a Smart Image object from the specified stream that contains an image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(Integer,Integer,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a Smart Image object with the stored image filled with the specified color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(TRect,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a new Smart Image container of the specified size and color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateSize(TSize,TdxAlphaColor) Creates a new Smart Image container of the specified size and color. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.


Name Description
ActiveFrame Specifies the zero-based index of the stored image’s frame currently displayed by the Smart Image container. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Animation Specifies if the animation playback of the stored animated GIF image is enabled. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AnimationFrameCount Returns the number of frames within the stored image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AnimationFrameDelay Specifies the frame delay (in milliseconds). Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AnimationLoop Specifies the animation sequence playback mode for the stored animated image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AnimationLoopCount Returns the number of the stored image’s animation playback loops in the multiple-run animation mode. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AnimationLoopIndex Specifies the number of animation sequence runs played by the Smart Image container. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
ClientRect Returns the rectangle corresponding to the stored image’s dimensions. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
ClientRectInImageUnits Returns the rectangle corresponding to the stored image’s dimensions
Empty Inherited from TGraphic.
Handle Specifies a GDI handle of the stored image. Inherited from TdxGPImage.
HandleAllocated Identifies if the Smart Image container has a handle associated with the stored image data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Height Inherited from TGraphic.
HorizontalResolution Returns the stored image’s horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch.
ImageCodec Specifies the active image format codec. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
ImageDataFormat Specifies the deprecated format ID of the stored image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
IsAlphaUsed Identifies whether the stored image is transparent. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
IsLoaded Identifies if the Office image is loaded.
Modified Inherited from TGraphic.
Palette Inherited from TGraphic.
PaletteLength Returns the color count in the stored image’s palette.
PaletteModified Inherited from TGraphic.
PixelFormat Returns the stored image’s pixel format.
RawFormat Returns the stored image’s data format.
ScaledDrawer Inherited from TGraphic.
Size Returns the stored image’s dimensions, in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SizeInPixels Returns the stored image’s dimensions, in pixels.
SizeInTwips Returns the stored image’s dimensions, in twips.
SupportsPalette Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SupportsPartialTransparency Inherited from TGraphic.
Transparent Inherited from TGraphic.
Uri Specifies the stored image’s universal resource identifier.
VerticalResolution Returns the stored image’s vertical resolution, in pixels per inch.
Width Inherited from TGraphic.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Populates the Smart Image container with an image from the specified source. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AssignFromGraphic(TGraphic) protected Populates the Smart Image container with the image stored in the specified image container. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
AssignFromSmartImage(TdxCustomSmartImage) Populates the Office Image container with the image stored in the specified Smart Image container.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
CalculateCrc32 Calculates the stored image’s checksum.
CanLoadFromStream(TStream) Inherited from TGraphic.
ChangeColor(TColor) Assigns the specified color to all pixels of the stored image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Clear Releases resources and a handle associated with the stored image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Clone Creates a copy of the Office Image container.
Compare(TdxCustomSmartImage) Compares two Smart Image containers. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
ConvertToBitmap Converts the stored image to a bitmap. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CopyToClipboard Copies the stored image to the clipboard. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
CreateCanvas Creates a GDI+ canvas filled with the stored image. Inherited from TdxGPImage.
CreateImage(TStream) static Creates a new Office Image container and populates it with an image from the specified stream.
CutToClipboard Moves the stored image to the clipboard. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
DisableScaledDrawer Inherited from TGraphic.
Dormant Releases the handle associated with the stored image data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
EnableScaledDrawer(TScaledGraphicDrawerClass,Boolean) Inherited from TGraphic.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Flip(Boolean,Boolean) Flips the stored image horizontally and/or vertically. Inherited from TdxGPImage.
GetAsBitmap Returns the stored image in a bitmap container. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
GetBitmapBits Returns the stored image as an array of pixel color data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
GetContentType(TdxOfficeImageFormat) static Returns the MIME content type identifier corresponding to the specified Office image format.
GetExtension(TdxOfficeImageFormat) static Returns the file name extension corresponding to the specified Office image format.
GetHashCode Calculates the hash code from the stored image pixel data. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
HandleNeeded Creates a handle for the suspended Smart Image object. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
HasClipboardFormat Identifies if at least one clipboard image format is supported. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
IsExportSupported(TdxOfficeImageFormat) Identifies if the stored image can be exported to the specified format.
IsSupportClipboardFormat(Word) Identifies if the specified clipboard image format is supported. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,Boolean) Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromBits(Integer,Integer,TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat) Loads the stored image from the specified array of pixel colors. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromClipboardFormat(Word,THandle,HPALETTE) Loads an image from the clipboard. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromFieldValue(Variant) Loads an image from the specified Variant value stored in a BLOB dataset field. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromFile(String) Inherited from TGraphic.
LoadFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) Loads an image from the specified resource. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
LoadFromStream(TStream) Loads an image from the specified stream. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
MakeComposition(TdxGPImage,Byte,Byte) Blends two images using the alpha channel. Inherited from TdxGPImage.
MakeComposition(TdxGPImage,Byte) Inherited from TdxGPImage.
PasteFromClipboard Set the image within the clipboard as the stored image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Provides access to the implementation of a specified interface if the Smart Image container supports it. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Resize(Integer,Integer) Resizes the stored image according to the new specified dimensions, in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Resize(TSize) Resizes the stored image according to the new specified dimensions, in pixels. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SaveToClipboardFormat(Word,THandle,HPALETTE) Inherited from TGraphic.
SaveToFile(String) Inherited from TGraphic.
SaveToFile(string) Saves the stored image to a file. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SaveToStream(TStream) Saves the stored image within the specified stream. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SaveToStreamByCodec(TStream,TdxImageDataFormat) Saves the stored image to a stream in the required format. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SaveToStreamByCodec(TStream,TdxSmartImageCodecClass) Saves the stored image to a stream in a specified format. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
Scale(Integer,Integer) Resizes the stored image while keeping its aspect ratio. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SetBitmap(TBitmap) Store the specified bitmap within the Smart Image object. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
SetResolution(Single,Single) Changes the stored image’s spatial resolution.
SetSize(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TGraphic.
StartAnimation Initiates or resumes the animation of the stored GIF image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
StopAnimation Stops the animation of the stored GIF image. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
StretchDraw(TdxGPCanvas,TdxRectF,TdxRectF,TdxGPImageAttributes,IdxColorPalette) Inherited from TdxGPImage.
StretchDraw(TdxGPCanvas,TRect,TRect,TdxGPImageAttributes,IdxColorPalette) Draws a portion of the stored image on a specified GDI+ API-based canvas. Inherited from TdxGPImage.
StretchDraw(HDC,TdxRectF,TdxRectF,Byte,IdxColorPalette) Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
StretchDraw(HDC,TdxRectF,Byte,IdxColorPalette) Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
StretchDraw(HDC,TRect,Byte,IdxColorPalette) Paints the stored image within the destination rectangle of the specified device context. Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
StretchDraw(HDC,TRect,TRect,Byte,IdxColorPalette) Inherited from TdxCustomSmartImage.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UpdateScaledDrawer Inherited from TGraphic.


Name Description
OnChange Inherited from TGraphic.
OnProgress Inherited from TGraphic.
See Also