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TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo Methods

Contains information about the look & feel of a NavBar group.
Name Description
BgAlphaBlend Returns the starting alpha blending component of the group background color.
BgAlphaBlend2 Returns the ending alpha blending component of the group background color.
BgBackColor Returns the starting background color of the group’s client area.
BgBackColor2 Returns the ending background color of the group’s client area.
BgGradientMode Returns the gradient direction for the groups client background.
BgImage Returns the background image applied to the group client area.
CaptionAlphaBlend Returns the starting alpha blending component of the group header’s background color.
CaptionAlphaBlend2 Returns the ending alpha blending component of the group header’s background color.
CaptionBackColor Returns the starting color of the group header’s background.
CaptionBackColor2 Returns the ending color of the group header’s background.
CaptionFont Returns the font of the text displayed within the group header.
CaptionFontColor Returns the color of the text displayed within the group header.
CaptionGradientMode Returns the gradient direction used to fill the group header’s background.
CaptionHAlignment Returns the horizontal alignment of the group header’s text.
CaptionImage Returns the image used to fill the group header’s background.
CaptionSignColor Returns the color used to paint the group header sign.
CaptionStyle Provides access to the default style settings of the group header.
CaptionStyleItem Provides access to the custom style assigned to the group header.
CaptionVAlignment Returns the vertical alignment of the group header’s text.
CorrectBounds(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
DoRightToLeftConversion Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetCaptionHeight Returns the height of the group header.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetImageHeight Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
GetImageWidth Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
GetLinkViewInfoByLink(TdxNavBarItemLink) Returns the object that stores ViewInfo information of the specified link.
ImageIndex Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
IndexOfLinkViewInfo(TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo) Returns the index of the link specified by its ViewInfo container object.
IsCaptionImageVisible Indicates whether the group header image is visible.
IsCaptionSignVisible Indicates whether the group header sign is visible.
IsCaptionUseSmallImages Returns a value indicating whether the group caption uses small image.
IsCaptionVisible Returns a value indicating whether the caption is visible within the group header.
IsItemsVisible Returns a value indicating whether this group’s links are currently visible.
IsLinksUseSmallImages Returns a value indicating whether links within this group use small images.
IsViewAsIconView Returns a value indicating whether icon view is applied to the group.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UseLargeImages Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomItemViewInfo.
See Also