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TdxGaugeScaleOptionsArcLayout Class

Stores the layout settings for arc scales.


TdxGaugeScaleOptionsArcLayout = class(


This class implements the layout settings for the arc-based scales.

The TdxGaugeScaleOptionsArcLayout class publishes the following properties that allow you to:

  • Set the absolute (in pixels) scale size (the Height and Width properties. Note that since the arc scales have the square-shaped layout, the Height property value is always equal to the Width property value and vice versa. If you modify one of these property values, the other value is changed accordingly);

  • Set the relative (as factors multiplied by the dimensions of the scale’s parent object) scale size (the HeightFactor and WidthFactor properties. As with the Height and Width properties, the HeightFactor property value is always equal to the WidthFactor property value and vice versa. If you modify one of these property values, the other value is changed accordingly);

  • Select between the absolute and relative scale positioning modes (the CenterPositionType property);

  • Set the absolute (in pixels) horizontal and vertical scale positions (the CenterPositionX and CenterPositionY properties, respectively);

  • Set the relative (as factors multiplied by the dimensions of the scale’s parent object) horizontal and vertical scale positions (the CenterPositionFactorX and CenterPositionFactorY properties, respectively).

The TdxGaugeScaleOptionsArcLayout object is referenced by the OptionsLayout property implemented in the TdxGaugeArcQuantitativeScale class and published in its descendants, including both the unbound and data-aware arc scale classes:

Unbound Arc Scale Classes

Data-Aware Arc Scale Classes

See Also