dxGaugeQuantitativeScale Unit
Name | Description |
TdxGaugeCustomRange | The base class for the range bars (i.e., range marks) that can be created within a quantitative scale. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScale | The base class for the scales which use analog value indicators. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleCaption | A custom label for both the unbound and data-aware quantitative scales. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleCaptionOptionsView | Stores appearance settings of the custom labels that can be created in quantitative scales. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleCustomOptionsAnimate | The base class for the animation settings used by quantitative scales. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsAnimate | Stores the animation settings used by all types of quantitative scales. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsView | The base class for the quantitative scale appearance settings. |
TdxGaugeRangeCollection | A collection of range bars within a quantitative scale. |
Name | Description |
TdxGaugeScaleRangeValueLinkedWithScaleValue | Enumerates range bar positioning variants within a quantitative scale. |
Name | Description |
dxGaugeScaleDefaultAnimationFrameCount | Determines the default number of individual frames within the scale indicator animation sequence. |
dxGaugeScaleDefaultAnimationInterval | Determines the default time interval (in milliseconds) used to play the scale indicator animation sequence. |
Name |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleAnimationTransitionEffect |
Name | Description |
TdxGaugeCustomRangeClass | A class-reference to the base class for all range types. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleClass | A class-reference to the class implementing the base functionality for scales that imitate analog measuring instruments. |
TdxGaugeQuantitativeScaleOptionsAnimateClass | A class-reference to the class implementing the set of parameters applied to an animation of a quantitative scale‘s value indicator. |