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dxGaugeCustomScale Unit


Name Description
TdxGaugeCaptionCollection A collection of custom inscriptions created within a scale.
TdxGaugeContainerScale A non-visual scale used as a container for other scales created within the Gauge Control.
TdxGaugeContainerScaleOptionsLayout Stores the size and positioning settings for the container (dummy) scales.
TdxGaugeCustomCaption The base class for the custom inscriptions created within a scale.
TdxGaugeCustomCaptionOptionsLayout Stores the positioning settings of the custom inscription created within a scale.
TdxGaugeCustomCaptionOptionsPersistent The base class for all custom scale label settings classes.
TdxGaugeCustomCaptionOptionsView The base class for the custom scale inscription display options.
TdxGaugeCustomContainerScale The basic class for container (non-visual) scales.
TdxGaugeCustomScale The base class for all types of the scales.
TdxGaugeCustomScaleOptionsView The base class for common appearance settings of scales.
TdxGaugeScaleCollection A collection of scale objects created within the Gauge Control.
TdxGaugeScaleOptionsCustomLayout The base class for the scale layout settings.
TdxGaugeScaleOptionsPersistent The base class for scale settings.
TdxGaugeScaleOptionsRectangularLayout The base class for the layout options of all scale types.
TdxGaugeScaleStyle The visual style that can be applied to a scale.




Name Description
TdxGaugeScalePositionType Enumerates the available methods of scale positioning within the parent object.
TdxGaugeScaleType Enumerates the types of scales that you can create within the Gauge Control.


Name Description
dxGaugeGetPredefinedStyleNames(TStringList) Extracts the list of predefined styles available for all standard scales in the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeGetRegisteredScaleClasses(TList) Extracts the list of pointers to the registered scale classes.
dxGaugeGetRegisteredStyleNames(TdxGaugeScaleType,TStringList) Extracts the list of visual styles available for the specified scale type.
dxGaugeRegisterScale(TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass,Boolean) Adds a custom scale type to the list of scales registered in the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeRegisterStyle(TdxGaugeScaleType,string) Adds a custom style for one of the scale types registered in the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeRegisterStyleFromFile(TdxGaugeScaleType,string) Registers the visual style for a scale type from the XML style file.
dxGaugeSaveStyleToFile(TdxGaugeScaleType,string,string) Extracts the specified visual style of the required scale type to a file.
dxGaugeSaveStyleToStream(TdxGaugeScaleType,string,TStream) Extracts the specified visual style of the required scale type to a stream.
dxGaugeUnregisterScale(TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass,Boolean) Removes the specified scale type from the list of scale types available in the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeUnregisterScales Removes all the currently registered scale types from the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeUnregisterStyle(TdxGaugeScaleType,string) Removes a specified visual style from one of the scale types registered in the Gauge Control.
dxGaugeUnregisterStyles(TdxGaugeScaleType) Removes all visual styles for the specified scale type registered in the Gauge Control.


Name Description
dxGaugeAfricaSunsetStyleName Determines the default name of the Africa Sunset predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeClassicStyleName Determines the default name of the Classic predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeCleanWhiteStyleName Determines the default name of the Clean White predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeCleverStyleName Determines the default name of the Clever predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeCosmicStyleName Determines the default name of the Cosmic predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeDarkNightStyleName Determines the default name of the Dark Night predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeDeepFireStyleName Determines the default name of the Deep Fire predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeDiscoStyleName Determines the default name of the Disco predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeEcoStyleName Determines the default name of the Eco predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeFutureStyleName Determines the default name of the Future predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeIceColdZoneStyleName Determines the default name of the Ice Cold Zone predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeiStyleStyleName Determines the default name of the iStyle predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeMechanicalStyleName Determines the default name of the Mechanical predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeMilitaryStyleName Determines the default name of the Military predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeRedStyleName Determines the default name of the Red predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeRetroStyleName Determines the default name of the Retro predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeShiningDarkStyleName Determines the default name of the Shining Dark predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeSilverBlurStyleName Determines the default name of the Silver Blur predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeSmartStyleName Determines the default name of the Smart predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeSportCarStyleName Determines the default name of the Sport Car predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeWhiteStyleName Determines the default name of the White predefined visual scale style.
dxGaugeYellowSubmarineStyleName Determines the default name of the Yellow Submarine predefined visual scale style.


Name Description
TdxGaugeCustomCaptionClass The class-reference to the base class that implements custom scale inscriptions (i.e., custom labels or captions).
TdxGaugeCustomScaleClass The class-reference to the base class that implements scales.
TdxGaugeCustomScaleOptionsViewClass The class-reference to the base class that implements the custom scale appearance settings.
TdxGaugeScaleOptionsCustomLayoutClass The class-reference to the base class that implements the scale layout settings.
TdxGaugeScaleStyleClass The class-reference to the scale style class.