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TdxDockingController Members

A docking controller.


Name Description
ActiveDockControl Specifies the currently active dock control.
DockControlCount Returns the number of dock control in the application.
DockControls Provides indexed access to all dock controls in the application.
DockingDockControl Returns the dock control currently being docked.
DockManagerCount Returns the number of docking manager components in the application.
DockManagers Provides indexed access to docking manager components.
Handle Inherited from TcxMessageWindow.
IsDocking Returns a value indicating whether a docking operation is currently being performed.
IsResizing Returns a value indicating whether a resizing operation is currently being performed.
ResizingDockControl Returns the dock control currently being resized.
SelectionBrush Specifies the brush used to paint docking and resizing selections.


Name Description
AutoHideInterval(TCustomForm) Returns the time interval that passes before auto hiding dock controls.
AutoHideMovingInterval(TCustomForm) Returns the time interval that passes between docking control displacements when it slides from the hidden to visible state or vice versa.
AutoHideMovingSize(TCustomForm) Returns the sliding step for controls whose auto hide feature is enabled.
AutoShowInterval(TCustomForm) Returns the time interval that passes before making auto hidden dock controls visible.
BeginUpdate Prevents the dock controls layout from being updated until the EndUpdate method is called.
Color(TCustomForm) Returns the color of dock controls that use manager settings.
DefaultFloatSiteProperties(TCustomForm) Returns the default settings for float sites.
DefaultHorizContainerSiteProperties(TCustomForm) Returns the default settings for horizontal side containers.
DefaultLayoutSiteProperties(TCustomForm) Returns the default settings for layout sites.
DefaultTabContainerSiteProperties(TCustomForm) Returns the default settings for tab containers.
DefaultVertContainerSiteProperties(TCustomForm) Returns the default settings for vertical side containers.
DockZonesWidth(TCustomForm) Returns the default width of dock zones.
EndUpdate Cancels the update lock established by the BeginUpdate method and forces an immediate layout update.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetDockControlAtPos(TPoint) Returns the dock control located at the specified screen coordinates.
GetFloatDockSiteAtPos(TPoint) Returns the float dock site whose float form’s caption is located under the specified point.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNearestDockSiteAtPos(TPoint,TdxCustomDockControl) Returns the dock site that can accept the dock control at the specified position.
Images(TCustomForm) Returns the image list used by dock controls on a particular form.
LoadLayoutFromIniFile(string,TCustomForm) Loads the layout of dock controls from the specified file.
LoadLayoutFromRegistry(string,TCustomForm) Loads the layout of dock controls stored at the specified registry path.
LoadLayoutFromStream(TStream,TCustomForm) Loads the layout of dock controls from the specified stream.
Options(TCustomForm) Returns the options specifying the behavior of dock controls on a particular form.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current object supports it. Inherited from TcxIUnknownObject.
ResizeStyle(TCustomForm) Returns the panel resize style of the target form.
ResizeZonesWidth(TCustomForm) Returns the default width of resize zones.
SaveLayoutToIniFile(string,TCustomForm) Saves the dock controls layout to the specified file.
SaveLayoutToRegistry(string,TCustomForm) Saves the dock controls layout to the specified registry path.
SaveLayoutToStream(TStream,TCustomForm) Saves the layout of dock controls to the specified stream.
SelectionFrameWidth(TCustomForm) Returns the default width of the pen used to paint the docking frame and resizing bar.
TabsScrollInterval(TCustomForm) Returns the scrolling interval for tabs.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also