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TdxDockingController.SaveLayoutToIniFile(string,TCustomForm) Method

Saves the dock controls layout to the specified file.


procedure SaveLayoutToIniFile(AFileName: string; AForm: TCustomForm = nil);


Name Type
AFileName string
AForm TCustomForm


Use the SaveLayoutToIniFile method to save the layout of dock controls to a file. The target file is specified by its name and path using the AFileName parameter. If the path is not specified, the file is created within the same folder as the application’s executable file. Note that if the file’s extension is not specified, it is automatically set to ‘ini‘. If an empty string is specified as the parameter, the ‘.ini‘ file will be created.

The AForm parameter is optional. If omitted or set to nil, the method saves the layout of all dock controls in the application. To save the layout of dock controls residing on a particular form, pass the desired form as this parameter.

The saved dock controls layout can be restored using the LoadLayoutFromIniFile method.

See Also