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TdxTreeCustomNode Methods

The base class for tree node classes.
Name Description
AddChild Appends a new child node with the default settings.
AddChildFirst Prepends a new child node with the default settings.
AddNode(TdxTreeCustomNode,TdxTreeCustomNode,Pointer,TdxTreeNodeAttachMode) Adds a node.
Assign(TdxTreeCustomNode) Assigns the specified node’s settings to the current node.
BeginUpdate Prevents node owner updates until an EndUpdate call.
Clear Destroys the node’s children.
CustomSort(TdxCustomTreeNodeCompareProc,Boolean) Custom sorts the node’s children.
Delete Deletes the node and its children.
DeleteChildren Destroys the node’s children.
EndUpdate Enables node owner updates after a BeginUpdate call.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HasAsParent(TdxTreeCustomNode) Determines if the specified node is the current node’s ancestor.
IsRoot Determines if the node is root.
LoadChildren Loads child nodes.
MoveTo(TdxTreeCustomNode,TdxTreeNodeAttachMode) Moves the node and its children to the specified location in the tree.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also