TdxChartXYSeriesLineValueLabels Class
In This Article
Stores value label appearance and behavior settings for an XY series with an active Line or Area View.
TdxChartXYSeriesLineValueLabels = class(
Value labels mark individual series values.
#Main API Members
The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartXYSeriesLineValueLabels
class that allow you to customize XY series value labels when any Line or Area View is active.
- Visible
- Hides or displays series value labels.
- Appearance
- Provides access to general appearance settings of series value labels.
- LineLength
- Specifies the length (in pixels) of lines that connect value points and the corresponding labels.
- LineVisible
- Specifies if lines between value labels and corresponding series points are visible.
- TextFormat
- Specifies a formatting pattern for value labels.
- MaxWidth | MaxLineCount
- Limit the width of value labels and the maximum number of text lines in them.
- ResolveOverlappingMode
- Specifies the active label overlap resolution mode.
- ResolveOverlappingIndent
- Specifies the base minimum distance (in pixels) between value labels when value label resolution is enabled.
- Assign
- Copies compatible value label settings between XY series.
If you need to customize individual series value labels, handle an XY diagram‘s On
#Direct TdxChartXYSeriesLineValueLabels Class Reference
The ValueLabels property of a Line or Area XY series View references the TdxChartXYSeriesLineValueLabels
class as a TdxChartXYSeriesValueLabels object.
See Also