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TdxChartSecondaryAxisXCollection Methods

A collection of secondary X-axes in an XY diagram.
Name Description
Add Adds a new secondary axis of arguments to the collection.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Inherited from TCollection.
Clear Inherited from TCollection.
ClearAndResetID Inherited from TCollection.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
EndUpdate Inherited from TCollection.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindItemID(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
Insert(Integer) Inherited from TCollection.
Owner Inherited from TCollection.
Sort(IComparer<TCollectionItem>) Inherited from TCollection.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also