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TdxChartAxisGridlines.Style Property

Specifies stroke style for major grid lines.


property Style: TdxStrokeStyle read; write; default TdxStrokeStyle.Solid;

Property Value

Type Default Description
TdxStrokeStyle Solid

Enumerates available stroke styles for drawing lines in visual elements.


Use Style and MinorStyle properties to change stroke style of major and minor grid lines, respectively.


Value Example[1]
TdxStrokeStyle.Solid (default) VCL Chart Control: The Solid Stroke Style is Applied to Major Grid Lines
TdxStrokeStyle.DashDotDot VCL Chart Control: The Dash-Dot-Dot Stroke Style is Applied to Major Grid Lines

Refer to the TdxStrokeStyle type description for the full list of supported stroke styles.

Default Value

The Style property’s default value is TdxStrokeStyle.Solid.

  1. This example demonstrates different AxisY.Gridlines.Style property values on the same diagram. The AxisY.Gridlines.Thickness property is set to 2.

See Also