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TcxVerticalGridFiltering.RowPopupMode Property

Specifies the active filter dropdown type.


property RowPopupMode: TdxFilterPopupWindowMode read; write; default fpmDefault;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxFilterPopupWindowMode fpmDefault


Set this property to fpmClassic or fpmExcel to switch between classic and Excel-inspired dropdown windows in a vertical grid control. Refer to the TdxFilterPopupWindowMode type description for details.

The RowPopupMode property has lower priority compared to the editor row‘s Properties.Options.FilterPopupMode property. The editor row uses the filter dropdown type assigned to the parent vertical grid control only if the latter property is set to fpmDefault.


The dxDefaultFilterPopupWindowMode global constant value defines the active filter dropdown type if the RowPopupMode property is set to fpmDefault.

The RowPopupMode property’s default value is fpmDefault.

See Also